It’s no surprise that both genders rely on lying to some extent. They just do it differently and sometimes for different reasons.
All humans, especially women say they want their partner to be honest. Is this the truth? Can you keep a relationship up and running if you are telling the truth all the time?
Imagine that you just have brought your girlfriend at your home, to spend the night together for the first time. You have made a great effort to arrange and clean your home and especially the bedroom. You are proud about this and ask your partner what she believes about your home.
She responds “It is a little old fashioned… and something smells bad in here”. Ups! Ok.
You two pass through this awkward moment, then you start kissing each other, but you make a joke about… the size of your penis, and instead to hear the most used reply: “hey, relax, size really doesn’t matter”, she tells you that her ex was quite huge.
Ups… Not again. 🙂
If she were to say just two little lies everything could be great, but now…
The truth is, telling a few lies can be one of the best...