Internet Advertising and marketing has had a huge effect on the industries across the United States and world wide for that matter. Internet advertisements offering music downloads of songs and music, has had an impact on the music industry as well as the video sales due to the fact that people just don’t go out and buy CD’s as often as they used too.
Flea markets and roadside markets or second hand shops have felt the plunge as well, now that Internet advertising shows items being sold by online auctions or individual websites. Book sales are down and the production or publishing companies are suffering because of obtaining them through Internet advertisements of e-books of novels as well as new releases. Sometimes the e-books have a fee but nothing like that of actually buying a real book.
Banking and financial institutions were suffering until the idea of online banking came into the scheme of things. But even with this being said, the banks and financial institutions have felt the effects of Internet advertising online banking forcing the loss of employment for those who would originally be employed to do the services the online banking now...