What is it about Mothers Day that you love so much? Do you love the fact that your husband and child join forces to prepare breakfast in bed for you? Or is it that your husband acknowledges what a great mom you are? Or simply that this day is not like every other when you collapse into bed as limp as an overused sponge and wonder, How long can I keep up this mad pace?
Todays mom is so busy doing it all that she rarely has the time to enjoy lifes greatest gift, her family.
The reality today is that even as women are making incredible achievements theyre still battling the stereotype of traditional wife and mother. When the boss wants that report finished, do you stay late and take home fast food again, or tick off the boss and derail your promotion?
A clever mom can do anything, but you should NOT do everything. Follow these simple strategies and enjoy the benefits of Mothers Day year-round:
1. Realize the power and freedom of NO. There are only 24 hours in a day and if you want more time to yourself, whether it be at work, at home or for leisure activities, you have to learn to say NO to everybody elses expectations. It takes practice, but learn to...