It’s possible that a seminal moment in the history of electronic news occurred when a comedian confronted commentators …
Not long after Jon Stewart — host of the Comedy Central cable channel’s amusing newscast, The Daily Show — appeared on CNN’s staid Crossfire and roundly scorched its principals in a well-publicized confrontation over journalistic integrity (or the lack thereof), the news network announced that Crossfire was being cancelled. Ostensibly, the network said this move was due to the departure of conservative commentator Tucker Carlson. However, he wasn’t the original ‘right-wing’ representative on that show and there were surely more of that flock who would have willingly stepped into the position. CNN has probably assembled a litany of rationalizations for their decision to dump the program, but none of them will dare to broach the actual undertone of perception that would trump anything on their list.
In this day an age in the USA, a comedy show is more adept than a news show at presenting current events.
The crux of the matter is that contemporary electronic journalism is just as subject...