The United States and Britain did not support Israel in the 1948 War of Independence. The Soviet Union did, for a reason. Stalin remembered the huge role Russian Jews played in establishing the Soviet regime, and was sure they would build a socialist state in the Middle East.
The Exile made the Jews afraid of the mob; they long for stronger state. Jews are smart and opinionated, and many want the power. Monarchies reserve the first roles for hereditary rulers. Democracies do not elect the Jews, a distinctive minority, to the top positions. Non-democratic socialism offered the Jews the best chance to ascend to power. Jews, imbued with the idea of changing the world to the better, embraced socialism which promised a just and safe society. Stalin was sure that the Jewish state would be socialist.
And so it was. Israel based its agriculture on kibbutzim, a radical version of Soviet collective farms. Just as in the USSR, kibbutzim were successful initially, but quickly degraded. Simple enterprises can be communal, but economic development causes diversification.
Israel is not just a welfare state. She redistributes much more of the GDP than any civilized...