First Communion – A right of Passage for Roman Catholics
A child’s first communion is a very special day in their life, a day that will be remembered 60 or 70 years hence. First Communion is a Right of Passage ceremony into the Catholic Church, where children make their own commitment to Christ.
The seven year old children have to attend liturgy lessons for about ten weeks each Saturday. Sometimes these may be given by a priest. More often, they are led by a nun or a lay person. Gone are the days of ritualistic learning of bible passages. Lessons include video and computer presentations to the children.
The day is important to the Church because this is the day when a child begins to understand about Christ, and his sacrifice He made for us all. At a childs First Communion he or she will take the Sacrament for the first time. This is a very important day in the life of any Christian.
Parents want to make the day as special as possible. There is, undoubtedly a social side to the day, with parents making favourable comments on their friends children, while all the time, thinking that their own child outshines all the others.