Surprise! The Season of Giving isnt over. As a matter of fact, its just begun!
During 2006, you can come right here to receive 5 Gifts that are guaranteed to change your life. They are free for the receiving. However, the only way they will be of value to you is if you give them on regular basis. The Gifts – an acronym for Gratitude, Intentions, Forgiveness, Tithing and Surrender – when given, will create a Consciousness of Wealth in every area of your life.
Are you ready to receive a whole new consciousness? Then, please take the first Gift: Gratitude.
“Gratitude is the Gift of being thankful.” In living an Abundant Life, giving this Gift becomes the prayer of the heart that opens your life to the riches contained in it. So begins the chapter on this powerful Gift in my book 5 Gifts for an Abundant Life. It is a wonderful spiritual practice that I invite you to claim as your first intention.
The power of Gratitude is unleashed when we are thankful for everything and everyone in our lives – and I mean everything and everyone. Why? Because out of an attitude of Gratitude, we create an “altitude” from which...