In a world dominated by computers and technology we take a look at what effect the Internet has had on peoples attitude towards sex and pornography.
Pornography and prostitution is nothing new to the world, it has been around for years and years and will carry on to do so, of recent times it appears to be everywhere, sex shops in high streets, top shelf magazines in newsagents, recognised red light zones, legal brothels, mobile phone videos and even porn star name t-shirts are used to promote pornography.
Pornography has had many effects on society, it has recently been suggested that violent porn should have a blanket ban due to rapists being influenced by such films. A rapist also admitted that a girl wearing a FCUK t-shirt inspired him to rape her and these are just some of the bad effects of having a wide range of highly accessible porn.
Whether it is legal or illegal there will always be prostitution in society due to there being a high demand of men willing to pay for sex and women prepared to accept that money. Brothels have a mixture of good and bad press as they are seen to confine the issue to a particular area, cut curb crawling and sexual...