Are you one of the many people who seem to still be stuck on the 80s? Ok, so it was something like a big deal, but do you ever wonder what it is exactly that makes the 80s so darn special? It seems like the 80s has even made a killer impression on the kids of this generation. For instance, think of some of the things that only kids who grew up in that era know about. Do you notice how some things seem to be magically reappearing again? That is good, no, its great! But the guest appreances of these certain items dont exactly have the same spirit or feel to it. Who cares, as long as the memory stays alive, the 80s will never die, right?
Are you ready to get that overwhelmingly giddy feeling inside that only comes along when talking about some of the things that made the 80s what is was? Remember the exact day you got the Original Nintendo Entertainment System? It either came with Super Mario Bros., Duckhunt or both. Do you remember staying up night after night, determined to beat the game. To the side of you was probably a soggy bowl of Nintendo cereal that didnt even like but you just wanted it because it was NINTENDO cereal. What about the unforgettable Contra game that...