If youve been involved in a road traffic accident in the last three years which wasnt your fault and youve suffered as a result of this accident you have a legal and civil right to claim compensation.
Road traffic accidents are a daily occurrence in the UK, too many people are driving too fast and recklessly and of course some of those drink and drive too. Drink driving has been happening for years now and now restrictions are in place most people are sticking to these which is 80 milligrammes(mg) of alcohol for 100 millilitres(ml) of blood which is around 2 pints of normal strength beer (4% or below) for a man. If you do drink alcohol and intend to drive your limit is:
4 units for men
3 units for women
The main people prosecuted for drink driving are males 9 out of 10 being male and only 10% of under 21s are prosecuted, the peak age of being convicted is aged 27. If you are involved in a road traffic accident with a drink driver remain calm and call the police if you can. The police will be able to then take breath test samples from you as well as the other driver for analysis.
There are also many other different measures which may cause a...