Betting exchanges online were only introduced a few years ago,by British firm Betfair,and have grown so rapidly,that they now,not the bookmakers,set the prices for most sporting events.The bookmakers have to consult and respond to what is happening on the exchanges.Even if you have never had a bet on the exchanges,you should be very happy about their existance.A visible example is the prices on offer in British horseracing,whereas at one time it was most unusual to see an outsider at odds of more than 33/1,but now many runners are of ten returned with starting prices of 66/1+,this is entirely due to the exchanges.Not so obvious is the day to day tightening of percentages on all betting events which benefit all punters.Despite this you can still get far better odds on the exchanges,typically 20% better according to the exchanges themselves.
Betfair is the dominant betting exchange,with Betdaq a good alternative.There is very little competition – is this a bad thing ?.Absolutely not.If you think about it,the best exchange is going to be the one with the most punters,both bettors and...