To perform better golf, you need to take a different approach. I have seen and heard time after time how much money golfers will spend in hopes to perform better golf. But according to statistics, the average USGA Handicap hasnt gone down in over 30 years!
I have researched the golf improvement market for over a decade now and am very disappointed. There are major companies who are making a TON of money off desperate golfers.
The approach that has proven successful for the past 5 years (with my clients) is the physical approach to perform better golf. What I mean by this is working on your physical limitations to perform better golf.
By training your BODY, not buying more equipment or taking more lessons you will play better. It is your BODY that plays the game, so focus on it and the sky is the limit.
I have said this many times before. I want you to think of yourself as an athlete. You probably were one at some point in your life. Did you ever do a workout for that sport you participated in? Ill be the answer is yes.
Well now your sport is golf. And to perform better golf means training specific to golf. Not going into a gym and plopping...