Golf warm up you say? Aren’t you supposed to rush to the course, pull out the BIG DOG, take a few hacks at it and start your round? Is that what you do? Come on be honest with yourself. If so, what was the result on the first tee? Ill bet it wasnt even a par! Am I wrong?
I dont mean to add too much sarcasm in there, but I want to get your attention to the importance of doing golf warm up exercises to avoid those big numbers the first few holes.
Are you with me? Good.
Now let me talk to you like youre an athlete for a minute. Time to re-live the glory days one more time.
Now remember back in the day when you had a game, meet or competition. Did you run out on the field or court and start playing your sport?
Ill bet not!
You did a sport-specific warm up didnt you?
Well why wouldnt you do one before golf then? Ahgotcha didnt I!
You would most definitely do a warm up. Not just pounding balls either. Thats the worst thing you could do. You need to do golf warm up exercises to prepare for optimal performance on the course.
Now picture the golf swing and all its moving parts. The shoulders are very active, if not...