I decided to post this Ares Ultra review after having a chance to take a look at how the site is organized and what it has to offer its members. Hopefully, after reading this brief review, you’ll have a good idea what AresUltra is all about and if it’s something you would be well served spending money on.
How would you like to have instant access to more than 10,000,000 songs and movies? How would you like to do this legally, without having to worry about being sued by the record industry or spending time in jail? Welcome to AresUltra, where you get all the music you want and more! (Or so says their slogan, at least.)
Honestly, I was impressed by the simplicity of Ares Ultra. The site is ridiculously easy to navigate. Movies, music and software have their own categories and subcategories to choose from. Music is broken down into classical, pop, rock, etc. while movies get broken down into classical, manga, suspense, action, et al. The most interesting category is software (which places AresUltra in a league of its own), because you can choose from office, multimedia, CD burners, firewall and more.
Being entertained by your favorite media is as...