Once poker has been mentioned or any gambling game, people would immediately think of the money they may loose in the process. While this is partly true, gambling is about either winning or losing money. However, it is all for the sake of having fun and entertaining themselves with various instances of having to make on the spot decisions, something that has made it alluring to people who are looking for something adventurous and different in their lives.
Overall, a person who finds he entering a poker room should not be intimidated at first. Showing fear or hesitation upon entry will allow wandering eyes to prey on you and would love to play against you. Why? Well for one thing, they can afford not to look at their cards and simply resort to poker bluffs and they can get away with some chips from you. Poker is not purely about skill. It is also about what type of play a person wants to adopt as his battle cry.
Essentially, new players are oriented and usually taken to this group called poker school. While people may find going to poker school silly, it is simply the right way to approach games such as poker. Poker cannot be fully understood by people from mere...