Fall In Love With Your Electric Scooter All Over Again
As an electric scooter sales and service center, It is amazing how many run down, rusted out electric scooters are brought to the shop for repairs. With the weather halfway pleasant, more people are digging their old electric powered scooters out from under the mass of collectibles in their garages.
Things to consider when you are planning to repair that old warhorse include such factors as does it still run?, will it take a charge? How much is it going to cost to get it running again? And is it really worth it, or should I just give it to the dumpster gods?
Cosmetics dont mean a thing if the brains and the guts are not working, so dont make a judgment based on appearance. With a little rust remover, chrome polish and elbow grease, you would be surprised at what can come out.
The most important thing to consider is the brain and the guts of your electric friend. All electric scooter, no matter the make, brand or model, work on the same principle.
The electric Scooter Brain: The brain of the system is what is known as the control box. This little box regulates such things like the...