It seems that when it comes to designing bodybuilding programs to gain weight and build muscle mass, all of the attention is placed on the amount of sets, reps, and exercises to perform.
Yes, these are big factors to consider when following a workout routine.
However, there’s still one factor left out of the equation most of the time….and it’s a big one, if not the biggest!
I’m talking about training frequency……the amount of times you train the same muscle group within a specific amount of time (usually per week).
99% of all weight training routines now-a-days recommend that you train a muscle once a week.
That means that if you trained your chest on Monday you don’t train it again until next Monday.
The basis for this is that if you train a specific muscle intensely you must give it 5-6 days of complete rest in order for enough time to have gone by to allow that muscle group to repair, recover, and grow from the workout.
Funny, because I used believe this as well.
When you look at bodybuilding history, this whole “train a muscle only once a week” philosophy...