Necessary equipment for the casual bike rider consists of a helmet, and a headlight if there’s a chance of biking at night, and that’s about it. Anything else is gravy.
The same can not be said for the mountain biker. To have a safe and enjoyable ride, the mountain biker needs quite a bit of gear.
Even more so than for the casual biker, a helmet is a must. And take care about choosing a helmet. A poor-fitting helmet is of no use, so make sure it fits your head securely.
A good pair of gloves serve two purposes. You’ll get a better grip on the handlebars with your gloves, and of course should you take a spill your hands won’t get torn up.
What to wear? Most people go mountain biking in the summer, so they wear shorts, t-shirts, and tennis shoes. If they’re the hardy sort, they’ll put on sweatshirts and pants for the colder months.
But it’s also a good idea to wear padding on knees and elbows. The thing about mountain biking is that it’s not a question of if you’ll fall, but when. So it’s only common sense to wear padding and prevent a serious injury. If you’re a...