How To Transfer Your Golf Swing From The Range To The Course
I just shake my head when watching “machine gun golfers.” They mindlessly bang out buckets of balls believing they are creating muscle memory. Perfect practice sessions include complete pre shot and post shot routines. Hence, you should only be able to hit, at the most, two balls per minute.
Many golfers still mistakenly believe that if they regularly practice newfound skills they will automatically transfer onto the course. LEARNING HOW TO SWING AND LEARNING HOW TO PLAY ARE TWO SEPARATE PROCESSES.
If there is a weakness I see in most teaching pros, they dont spend enough lesson time on the issue of transference from the range to the course. The fact is, a golf instructor wirth his salt will take their student onto the course where real learning takes place.
Granted, this is a fairly sophisticated psychological concept, but the issue has to be covered about the strategies and tactics of bringing one’s game onto the course. Good teachers always address this issue at the end of each lesson.
Pretend certain range shots are like those specific ones you will encounter...