Some of you may believe in it and some of you may not. The majority of poker players know that poker is a game of skill, not luck. Luck is what keeps the bad players coming back to the table. Then there are the even smaller amounts of us that believe in the poker Gods. I am one of them and if you play your cards right, no pun intended, they will smile down on you.
As many of my friends know, my on-again off-again girlfriend has driven me to all new levels of insanity. My addiction to poker was one of the reasons for the many ultimatums she handed down to me. It was not so much that she disliked my gambling; it was more so that she disliked my losing. She was always there for me to spend my extra winnings.
I had just gotten paid and found that we were short $300. As the end of the month inched ever so near and the prospect of being evicted loomed, I felt there was something I needed to do. I was too proud to call my parents for cash, so I thought I could parlay my poker skill into some much needed cash.
I decided to buy in to a no-limit $100 buy-in tournament structure game. I am normally a cool and collected person, but you know the saying desperate times...