I want to give you a challenge. Find me a country that does not have music of some kind. Search anywhere you like. Explore the jungles of South America, make your way through African tribes, or discover the peoples of South Asia. No matter where you visit I guarentee you this: every country...
Make It Fun! Birthday Party Themes Are A ...
Make It Fun! Birthday Party Themes Are A Great Idea
Decorating a birthday party according to a theme not only makes it easy to plan, but it also makes it fun! Themes add life and adventure to birthday parties, allowing party goers to lose themselves in a make-believe paradise. Now thats...
The Digital Photo Frame Option
Digital photo frames are a new trend in photograph display that is really catching on. Just like all technology however, it comes with its own set of questions and sometimes bewildering answers. If you are seeking a digital photo frame but dont even understand what it is, welcome to the rest of...
Magic Tricks And Kids A Great Combination
It’s always enjoyable performing magic tricks for an appreciative audience. Once you get a few magic tricks under your belt, you’ll be hooked on performing your craft because there is something really rewarding when a well executed magic trick leaves your audience in disbelief and...
The Different Styles of Inuit Art Sculptures
At first, all Inuit soapstone sculptures from the Arctic may look alike. However, there are variances in artistic styles among the different Inuit art producing communities. Although all communities produce Inuit sculptures featuring both animal and human subjects, some seem to do more animals...
Kim Kardasian – How To Become A Sex ...
Kim Kardasian – How To Become A Sex Tape Celebrity
OKWere BFFs and you got about a bazillion people talking about you when you did yourswhy shouldnt I put mine out there?
This is what I envision in my own mind, and not a verifiable quote, when I think about the conversation...
The Differences In The Various Versions Of ...
The Differences In The Various Versions Of I Am Legend
With the recent relative success of the third attempt at making a big screen adaptation of the novel, some might find now to be an appropriate time to discuss the merits of Richard Matheson’s apocalyptic science fiction...
Music; An Enjoyable Necessity
It’s a safe bet that, since the arrival of cognitive human beings on this earth, music has, in some form had a significant effect on their lives. The first sounds, other than speech, were probably produced by hitting something; wood, stone or hide; and ancient peoples must have appreciated...
The Development Of Sudoku Puzzles
Walk along the streets of most major cities worldwide and you’ll be hard-pressed not to see at least a single person bent over sudoku puzzles. The puzzles are instant hits especially in Britain and the United States. Usually misconstrued as a Japanese creation, sudoku puzzles actually...
Kenny G Tickets – See Saxophone ...
Kenny G tickets are guaranteed to bring out a series of varied emotions in every audience member, and its been that way for 25 years. Kenny G has long been known as an innovator with his signature instrument, the soprano saxophone, and few have ever been able to create a mood with just one...
Magic The Gathering Online Masters Edition ...
Magic The Gathering Online Masters Edition Is Going To Rule
MTGO Masters Edition Looks to Be the Most Fun Ever
Masters Edition is coming, Masters Edition is coming! Available only on Magic Online, this 195 card set is set to release on Monday, September 10th! This set will contain...
The Demon Plague – Book Review
The Demon Plague by Joreid McFate is a fantastic paranormal suspense science-fiction novel, involving time-travel and mysticism. This 424 page book is also available in e-book format.
Due to the volume of books I review, most are donated to our local library when the assignment is...