Learn How To Develop Your Technical Skills ...

Learn How To Develop Your Technical Skills In Nature Photography

Photography is the art of creating a special medium beyond your self-expression. It requires good taste, good sense of appreciation and technical skills in capturing the subjects. Many believe that they can profit in this...

Poetry 416 Words

Spike Lee: Top Films and Unforgettable ...

Spike Lee is one of the most influential and provocative American moviemakers. Recently, he celebrated the 20 year anniversary for the release of his remarkable debut film Shes Gotta Have It. His films are groundbreaking in their controversial approach towards social and political issues and...

Arts & Entertainment 586 Words

Spend a weekend installing your new cabinets

Once the sink and its fittings have been removed, disassemble the counter tops and remove the cabinets. You will need a hammer, pry-bar, putty knife, screw gun, crowbar, ladder and saw.

Most counter tops are made of plywood, nailed to the base cabinets, with the finish material laid on...

Arts & Entertainment 247 Words

Learn Guitar Free And Easily Online

Learning to play guitar for free online has never been easier. Absolutely anyone can sit down, load up a website, pick up their guitar and immediately begin learning basic chords and notes. This soon progresses to learning parts of your favorite songs.

Guitar tabs allow you to learn just...

Poetry 380 Words

Intelliflix The Online Dvd Rental Company ...

I remember when signing up with Intelliflix for $188 a year thinking what a great deal I just gotten, and how much money I was saving compared to the competition. Intelliflix claims to have over sixty thousand movie titles, rent video games, and also rent adult titles. I sincerely doubt that...

Poetry 530 Words

Spanishexperto A guide to learning Spanish ...

Spanishexperto A guide to learning Spanish Part 1 – Anybody can learn a new language

There are many reasons why someone might want to learn Spanish. Perhaps you are planning a holiday or business trip to a Spanish speaking country or maybe you are thinking of emigrating. It could...

Arts & Entertainment 735 Words

Indoor Fun To Beat The Desert Heat

Las Vegas has become so famous for its casinos and its nightlife that we often forget that there is a thriving city full of people who call this city home. There are businessmen and women, doctors, lawyers, and the average Joe citizens who live in Vegas and have little or nothing to do with the...

Poetry 535 Words

Metallica – St. Anger

1. St. Anger
2. Metallica Reloaded
3. The Early Early Early Days
4. Under The Influence
5. Monsters Of Rock
6. Nabbing Napster
7. Master Of Puppets
8. Ride The Lightning
9. Worn Justice
10. Headbangers’ Ball

1. St. Anger...

Music 827 Words

Sounding More Art Savvy

Want to sound like someone who is art savvy? Make sure you don’t use the following art “faux pas.”

Using the word “seriagraph” – Actually, there is no such thing as a seriagraph. What you are attempting to reference is a form of printmaking known as a...

Arts & Entertainment 311 Words

Learn About The Different Retail Jewelry ...

There are so many different things that you need to learn and know about when it comes to something such as jewelry making, and of the particular issues that you need to understand about is that of the different retail jewelry making components that are available for you to choose...

Poetry 397 Words

Sound Equipment In Magic Shows: A Must If ...

Sound Equipment In Magic Shows: A Must If You Want To Be Seen And Heard

So you have practiced your routine well. You know what to do, what to say and what to wear. There is nothing else you need to do or check prior to your on stage performance. Or is there?

Yes there is. Remember...

Arts & Entertainment 722 Words

Indoor Benches Great For Style And Substance

Indoor benches come in many shapes and sizes. The flexibility of the shapes and the wide variety of designs available means that as a consumer, you can place an indoor bench in just about any room without having to worry about losing any additional space unnecessarily.

Indoor benches are...

Poetry 511 Words