Senate Takes Up Debate On Regular Marriage

The Senate, fresh from its rancorous but indecisive debate on a constitutional amendment that would have banned same-sex marriage, has now taken up debate on an amendment that would ban regular marriage.

A leading Republican senator stated, When you consider how high the divorce rate is,...

Humor 230 Words

A Look At The Popularity Of American Idol

Did you know the first season of American debuted less than five years ago? It made its premiere on June 11, 2002. The show quickly became a topic for talk “around the water cooler” as people discussed the singing ability of the contestants still on the show and debated who should...

Poetry 770 Words

Saddam Hussein Seeks Mcdonald’s ...

Saddam Hussein, in his latest bid to escape execution for crimes against his own people, has applied to McDonalds for a franchise. The application is widely regarded as a move by his defense team to convince the court that, if his life is spared, he will be a model citizen in the Iraq of the...

Humor 330 Words

Russia Defends Iranian Nuke Program; ...

Russia Defends Iranian Nuke Program; Considers Position Good Customer Service

While the civilized world has reacted with horror at Irans plan to harness the energy of the atom, as in bombs away, Russia has steadfastly defended the menacing mullahdoms nuclear ambitions.

At first,...

Humor 362 Words

Rush Limbaugh Humor: 2 Adult Beverage ...

Rush Limbaugh Humor: 2 Adult Beverage Recipes Any Dittohead Will Love

During the course of his celebrated career, Rush Limbaugh invented the term “adult beverages” to refer to alcoholic drinks so as not to offend mothers with young children listening to the show. But no...

Humor 579 Words

A Look At The Pitfalls Of Online DVD Rental ...

A Look At The Pitfalls Of Online DVD Rental Plans

Online DVD rentals are more popular than they ever have been, and are getting more popular by the day. For as low as five dollars or an average of about twenty dollars a month you can rent movies that will be sent to you in the mail a day...

Poetry 553 Words

Rural Relocation Considerations and ...

So youre thinking about going country? Its time to abandon the frenzy of city life, drop the G from the end of your verbs and trade your Gucci for goats. You long to be in a place where business is done on a handshake, where your backyard is bountiful and where folks welcome you with warm apple...

Humor 1289 Words

Rumsfeld Appoints Self Retired General; ...

Donald Rumsfeld, under fire from a platoon of retired generals who have called for his resignation, went on the offensive by appointing himself a retired general.

Accompanied by a currently employed general, who, as the head of The Joint Chiefs Of Staff, is his usual sidekick, he stated,...

Humor 534 Words

Robots Getting Smarter; Plan To Enter ...

Robotic IQ is apparently on the up tick.

Now, we read, the accomplished mechanical wonders can drive, as long theres not too much to steer around, be watchful lifeguards, and mimic human behavior in video games. And how far a leap is it from video games to political shenanigans?


Humor 229 Words

A Look At The History Of The Guitar

Guitarists know a lot about their instrumentstechniques, chords, songs etc. But what many guitarists dont know is the history of the guitar. Its understandable, because many people dont feel this helps at all in actually playing the guitar. Still, it is helpful to know everything about the...

Poetry 616 Words

Robin’s Rainbow

When my daughter was very young, one night she was saying her prayers. She paused and asked me, “Mom, if I pray for a rainbow, will God make one?” Well, what could I say? Anyone who can part the Red Sea, can make a rainbow for a six-year-old. I hem-hawed around for a few seconds, and...

Humor 375 Words

Relaxed And Happy American Located; Agrees ...

Despite the troubling news that assails us each day and seems bent on convincing us we should all be the tense and unhappy recipients of the worldwide outrages it forwards, we remained confident that maybe somewhere there is still at least one American who is relaxed and happy.

Intent on...

Humor 1007 Words