Bush Reveals New Missile Defense; Guides ...

Bush Reveals New Missile Defense; Guides Weapon Back To Launching Pad

Rest easy, America, even when you contemplate the abbreviated flight of North Koreas errant but someday, they hope, long-range Taepodong 2 missile a name that, should the nation ever decide to enter the capitalist...

Humor 647 Words

Bush Meets Maliki. May Trade Jobs.

President Bush made a secret trip to Iraq to meet with Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki to assure him that the U. S. will continue to support efforts to stabilize and rebuild Iraq. Mr. Maliki thanked him and assured him that he would do everything to increase President Bushs approval...

Humor 416 Words

Bush And Blair Admit Mistakes In Iraq; Vow ...

Bush And Blair Admit Mistakes In Iraq; Vow To Continue

Meeting in Washington, Prime Minister Tony Blair and President Bush took to the podium to admit that everything in Iraq has not unfolded as they had hoped but the President insisted, We’ve learned from our mistakes, and, if the...

Humor 345 Words

Book Of Judas Finds Publisher; Record Wait ...

Book Of Judas Finds Publisher; Record Wait Took 1700 Years

The Book of Judas, penned by the much maligned apostle himself, has finally found a publisher, at the end of a long search that ended at The National Geographic Society.

No, its not Random House or Knopf. But, hey, after a...

Humor 298 Words

Black Humor, College Humor, Blond Jokes, ...

I have had over the years (48 of them) a lot of time to review and participate in many different styles of humor and have studied their various effects on the human psyche. I will convey many of my observations, thoughts and ramblings where humor is involved. Over the next few months I will...

Humor 565 Words

Birds of a Feather

1. Which is not a group term for birds?
A. Flock
B. Flight
C. Volery
D. Swarm

D. Swarm
TBD: Various insects can collectively be called a swarm but not birds!

2. Which of these is a fear of birds?
A. Alektorophobia
B. Astraphobia

Humor 412 Words

Bin Laden Sighted In Karachi; May Turn Self ...

Reports of Osama Bin Ladens whereabouts took a new turn this week when a Pakistani woman reported sighting a tall man in a white robe with matching turban hit his head on a low doorway.

The woman’s suspicions about the identity of the man were further aroused when she noticed the...

Humor 660 Words

Bin Laden Releases Another Audiotape: ...

Bin Laden Releases Another Audiotape: Hideout Too Dark For Video

Apparently, unable to contain his enthusiasm for bumming out the relatively nice and unsuspecting folks who make up much of the Western World, the misinformed medievalist has released another drearily threatening audiotape....

Humor 649 Words

Bill Gates to Devote Life To Charity; Make ...

Bill Gates to Devote Life To Charity; Make Money And You Can, Too

Bill Gates announced that he will transition out of his day-to-day role at Microsoft by July 2008 in order to spend more time working on the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which focuses on global health and...

Humor 383 Words

Bill Clinton In Secret Talks With Hillary; ...

Bill Clinton In Secret Talks With Hillary; Agrees To Run For Vice President

Former President Bill Clinton has been holding secret talks with his wife and wannabe President Hillary and has, the rumor mill informs us, agreed to be her Vice Presidential candidate.

In an exclusive...

Humor 227 Words

Berlosconi Gets Plate of Spaghetti In Face

Silvio Berlusconi, the media tycoon who became the outspoken, conservative Prime Minister of Italy, was recently handed an electoral plate of spaghetti in the face.

As you no doubt have read, he lost a narrow race to a left-of-center challenger, who the deep-pocketed Berlusconi outspent...

Humor 210 Words

Beginners Guide To The Internet

Recent studies have shown that there are now well over one hundred websites available on the computernet. This puts it second only to ceefax as a useful source of information. Monkey Empire has rounded up the best of these sites, ones which enhance the life of real people like you, not the...

Humor 869 Words