Wrist Tattoos – What Do They Really ...

At present, a wrist tattoo is one of the hottest designs that you can select. From Hollywood A-listers to ordinary people in the street, thousands are choosing to place a tattoo on this part of their body.

But what do wrist tattoos mean?

As with all tattoos, designs placed on the...

Poetry 470 Words

Scanning paper prints to digital photos on ...

Scanning paper prints to digital photos on your hard disk

Sometimes you find yourself in a situation when you have to scan paper prints, negatives or slides and store them as digital photos on your computer. Although the reason for doing that can vary there are some common considerations...

Photography 712 Words

Six Steps To Creating The Perfect Dollhouse

Each dollhouse is its own unique creation. No dollhouse will be exactly like another, nor should it be. Nevertheless, there are certain steps to the process that, if followed, will help each dollhouse to become a harmonious and balanced whole. Of course, rules are made to be broken, so any of...

Poetry 577 Words

What It Takes To Be A Guitarist

True interest in playing guitar comes from a burning desire to be what your heroes are. Its a blind passion. But, before you even pick up a guitar, you must first ask yourself these questions: Do I listen to music differently than my friends who don’t play guitar? when it comes to...

Music 604 Words

The True Value Of The Ipod

If music be the food of love, play on. Ah, that William Shakespeare he really nailed it with that line when it comes to the worlds love affair with music. We need it, as it is the essence of our very survival, and we, as humans, can never get enough of it. Our appetite and desire for music will...

Poetry 507 Words

What is iTunes

iTunes is a software developed by Apple Computers. It is a media player and is used to play and organize digital music and video files. You can also purchase digital music files through iTunes music stores within iTunes. You can use the program to manage music on iPod a popular digital audio...

Music 401 Words

World Of Warcraft Guides For Experts

What’s going on here? Recently World of Warcraft gold peaked at almost a dime per gold piece — not bad when you consider that the World of Warcraft MMORPG where it’s the prime unit of in-game currency debuted in late 2004. The gates opened and the minions of the Qiraji spilled...

Poetry 481 Words

Sitting In Style With Brown Leather Bar ...

Once upon a time, you had no need for furniture. You sat before campfires with friends and family and debated how best to cook that mammoth you caught. However, as you moved from cave to huts, and eventually into apartments and even Park Avenue co-ops, you discovered the wonders of furniture....

Poetry 581 Words

The Traditions Of Littman Jewelry

Jewelry is brought to mark special occasions in our lives and families and often they too become part of it living forever as they are passed down as family heirlooms for generations to come.

The fact that jewelry is almost always expensive becomes the center of attraction with ease at...

Poetry 400 Words

Singing And Eating Disorders

Eating disorders are now epidemic. Singers and others in the entertainment business with its requisite media exposure are, I believe, especially vulnerable to these debilitating secret illnesses.

No one can approach their full vocal potential while chained to an eating disorder. Why?...

Poetry 1155 Words

Review of the Samsung i5 Digital Camera

Out of the Box

Despite its diminutive size, the Samsung i5 is one solid camera and feels great in the hand. The large 2.5″ LCD display is huge, especially when you consider that the entire camera is only 3.53″(w) x 2.35″(h). The camera comes packaged with a compact...

Photography 991 Words

Silver Wholesale Jewelry

From ancient civilizations to the most modern designers, fashionable people have adored silver for its versatility and sheer beauty. Trends may come and go but silver jewelry is, always has been and always will be, very much in style.

Silver jewelry is the perfect compliment to...

Poetry 492 Words