Digital Photography and the Printed World

Photo collections for traditional photographers the phrase conjures thoughts of bound albums and mounds of shoeboxes, stuffed to capacity with 5 x 7 inch pictures. For todays ever growing ranks of digital photographers however, it brings to mind thoughts of a stamp-sized memory card, a pocket...

Photography 396 Words

Review – Rainbow 6 Vegas

Let me start by saying it is not every day that a game comes along that after playing it a few times that you know in your heart this is the best game you have ever played. This was the case with me when I played Tom Clancys Rainbow Six Vegas. It is the latest title in Ton Clancys long running...

Poetry 348 Words

Role of classical music in our day to day ...

Role of classical music in our day to day life

There might be different views as regards music but one fact cannot be ignored that it has a great effect on our emotions. When a child takes birth, it starts reacting to the various sounds in its surroundings such as toys, human voice and...

Music 381 Words

Outdoor Lamps A Stylish Way To Add Lighting ...

Outdoor Lamps A Stylish Way To Add Lighting To Your Deck Or Patio

Its dusk and your outdoor party is just starting to get good. People are talking, laughing, and having a great time, yet with the sun going down, nobody can really see what the heck is going on and unfortunately, things...

Poetry 665 Words

Review: Julia Fairchild By Louise Gaylord

Julia Fairchild is a clinical psychologist. Mackenzie Brantley Jr. is a physician. He knew they were meant to be together from the moment they met. Despite vast differences in their childhoods, they seem destined for a fairytale life; then along came the storm.

Both Julia and Mac...

Poetry 332 Words

Organizing You Quilling Tools, Your Quilling ...

Organizing You Quilling Tools, Your Quilling Workspace And Working A Quilling Project

Keeping your tools and quilling supplies together makes your work area more efficientand more fun!

Many quillers use tackle boxes for storage. There are numerous trays and compartments and often...

Poetry 488 Words

Roger Waters Tickets – Still ...

Roger Waters Tickets – Still Mesmerizing Crowds After All These Years

If you want to see a musician who has mastered nearly every variation of rock and roll, Roger Waters tickets are the way to go. Waters is a legendary figure in the world of music, and his solo work is perhaps a...

Music 631 Words

Digital Photography Fast Food Memories

A quick search in Google or one of the other search engines can easily yield dozens of images from everyday life, snapped on camera phones, small pocket-sized digital cameras, or high-end digital SLR’s. In many cases, camera phone images are so blurry as to be of little value, but they...

Photography 351 Words

Renaissance Costumes – A Popular ...

With the current popularity of Renaissance fairs, it’s no wonder that traditional Renaissance costumes are equally popular. Not only reserved for the fair workers and those who attend them, Renaissance costumes also make charming additions to Halloween and costume parties.

So, what...

Poetry 373 Words

Reflecting Telescope Information

When viewing distant objects through the use of a telescope, the most important part of that telescope is called the objective. The objective is that component of the telescope that has the ability of gathering the light that is available. Obviously, the larger the objective the greater is the...

Poetry 453 Words

Roger Waters New Washburn Signature Guitar

Washburn Guitars is a division of U.S. Music Corp., a world leader in the production and distribution of fretted instruments, amplification and sound reinforcement. The 125-year-old company began as a high-quality stringed instrument manufacturer in Chicago and has since acquired Oscar Schmidt...

Music 360 Words

Organizing Scrapbooking Supplies: It Is Not ...

Organizing Scrapbooking Supplies: It Is Not As Hard As You Might Think!

You love scrapbooking, but you do not like having to clean up the mess that is made during the process. Often tired after scrapbooking, you just shove all of your supplies in a drawer or box. However, this only makes...

Poetry 481 Words