5 Songwriting Tips For The Lazy

It’s funny, being a songwriter myself, I always find that writing songs can sometimes be a chore. But why does it feel this way? Isn’t this supposed to be my passion? Isn’t this supposed to be something that I never get bored of?

well, not exactly. Everything gets...

Poetry 650 Words

5 Reasons Why Scrapbooking Should Be Your ...

Scrapbooks Protect Your Photos

Not only does a well-made scrapbook protect and preserve your photos, it also makes the photos themselves more fun to look at. Most people would much rather thumb through a scrapbook with its extra, fun touches than a plain photo album.


Poetry 577 Words

5 Kooky Koozie Designs

Koozies are sheaths designed to insulate a can or stubby bottle. The insulation helps keep the cold beverage from warming due to body heat or ambient temperature. Koozies also prevent condensation from forming. Today, koozies are usually made of neoprene, but other materials such as leather and...

Poetry 577 Words

3 Top Cartoon Drawing Tips For Beginners

Cartooning is not about drawing it is about telling stories. Yes, even when you are drawing a single illustration you are telling a story. Cartooning is about expressing your thoughts. And it is your thoughts expressed beautifully through your cartoon characters that make you different from...

Poetry 711 Words