Pipe ID Tape Helps Manage the Pipeline Jungle

Pipe ID tapes are used to mark each pipeline to identify its contents. In a process industry with many process and service pipelines, this becomes an essential task.

Requirements to be Met by Pipe ID Tapes

Pipeline identification tapes are typically used in harsh...

Marketing 562 Words

Books to Grow

Reading is important to children. Parents often forget how much a young childs life consists of dealing with something new. Their life is constantly changing starting a new school, changing friendships and mastering new skills. One of the most useful techniques to adjust children to adapt to...

Marketing 443 Words

Persuading Customers who Ignore Marketing

Today’s consumers know marketing when they see it-and often they choose to ignore it. A new book looks at ways to use the Web and emerging mass-marketing tools to reach those customers and hold their attention.

Called “Waiting for Your Cat to Bark? Persuading Customers When...

Marketing 371 Words

Booklet Designing, Tips, and Its Importance

Pamphlets, brochure, leaflets, folder, catalogs, etc. are just some of the different types of booklet. Booklets have many uses for us, especially for business companies. Companies use booklet as their promotion tool in order for them to market their products and services to us as their...

Marketing 478 Words

Personalizing Autoresponders

Have you ever walked into a store in your town, and been addressed by name? This has probably happened to you at stores that you frequent often. The shop owner knows your name, and uses it. He remembers you, and he wants you to know that he cared enough about you and your business to remember...

Marketing 413 Words

Book Printing Press In The Present Time

The printing industry has changed immensely and the greatest proofs are imminent especially in book printing. In ancient times, only a limited number of books are published since very few authors are willing to write their books. You see books during those times are all hand written. Writing a...

Marketing 413 Words

Personalized Color Wholesale Printing

Company image is the most treasured and cared aspect in business. It must be treated that way so as not to yield trust and loyalty.

In the business world if you have outstanding company image, it means, more people are patronizing your products and services. It is means you are famed by...

Marketing 369 Words

Personalize Your Success

Just last week, I used the last receipt form on my counter, and went in search of a new receipt book. It was a fruitless search… I had just used the very last one in the office. Grumbling, I berated myself for not paying closer attention and went to check the mail.


Marketing 407 Words

Book Marketing 101

The most common mistake people make when self publishing their books is to ignore marketing until it is too late. As an author, you want your book to be the best in its category. To make it stand out from the rest, you need to market your book carefully and there are a lot of decisions to make...

Marketing 701 Words

Persona Based Marketing: Powerful B2B ...

Persona Based Marketing: Powerful B2B Marketing Tools For Connecting With Prospects & Customers

Meet Bill, hes the owner and CEO of a growing, mid-sized manufacturing company. Bill is in his early 40s, wears glasses and tries his best to squeeze in an early-morning workout whenever...

Marketing 1012 Words

Bonuses & Benefits – A Short ...

What’s the difference between a “bonus” and a “benefit”?

It’s simple.

A benefit is something that is a part of the product you are selling (or the service); and a bonus is the “more than my job’s worth” EXTRA component that...

Marketing 736 Words

Body Language, Five Key Ingredients

When making your living in the sales industry, and working with people, it is important to not only get your point across verbally, but you want to allow for your body language to send a clear message as well.

Your body language consists of many key ingredients, but here are the five that...

Marketing 415 Words