History Of The Spanish Language

Spanish is, after Mandarin Chinese and English, the third most spoken language in the world, with an estimated 400.000.000 of native speakers throughout the planet. Its origins, however, are much more reduced, both geographically and numerically.

Together with other initially European...

Language 465 Words

Get Published: New Guide Gives Advice From ...

Have you ever wanted to write a book? Whether you have a great idea for a cookbook, a science-fiction novel or children’s story, transforming it into reality requires a lot of discipline and some good insider advice.

The American Association of Publishers and Publishers Weekly...

Language 295 Words

Gap Year in Italy, the ideal program to ...

Gap Year in Italy, the ideal program to study abroad in Italy

Once again, Scuola Leonardo da Vinci, one of Italy’s largest provider of in-country Italian courses in Italy, is announcing the new programs for the year 2006 presenting innovative plans to promote the learning of the...

Language 535 Words

Fundamental Principles Of Language Part III

The occasion of all their difficulty originated in an attempt to nvestigate the faculties of the mind without any means of getting at it. They did not content themselves with an adoption of the principles which lay at the foundation of all true philosophy, viz., that the facts to be accounted...

Language 852 Words

Fundamental Principles Of Language Part II

It would be absurd and ridiculous to suppose that any person, however great, or learned, or wise, could employ language correctly without a knowledge of the things expressed by that language. No matter how chaste his words, how lofty his phrases, how sweet the intonations, or mellow the accents....

Language 2660 Words

Fundamental Principles Of Language (Part I)

All language depends on two general principles.

First. The fixed and unvarying laws of nature which regulate matter and mind. Second. The agreement of those who use it.

In accordance with these principles all language must be explained. It is not only needless but impossible for us...

Language 787 Words

From Hola To Hello: Teach English In Mexico

Speaking English is an absolute requirement for Mexican citizens who wish to advance in a professional field. Because of close ties with the United States, many Mexican companies conduct a certain amount of their business in English. So, if you’ve decided to teach English in Mexico for a...

Language 652 Words

Four Reasons To Learn German

What A German Language School Can Do For You

German is not always the first choice for people looking to learn a foreign language. But maybe it should be. German is spoken by more than 100 million people in 38 countries around the world. Most of the world’s German speakers are in...

Language 546 Words

Foreign Language – Tips To Improve ...

Foreign Language – Tips To Improve Your Foreign Language Skills

Learning a second language can be a daunting task. If you are lucky enough to have bilingual parents or attended a school that taught second languages, that’s great. But what if you are older now and interested in...

Language 618 Words

English Pronunciation For The ESL Learner

What is an accent? An accent is the carryover of sounds from the speakers original language to the second language. When we are infants we literally have the ability to speak any language in the world. We are all born with the necessary speech mechanisms and the capability to learn any language....

Language 709 Words

English Grammar Really Does Matter

Whether we are talking about a five year old that is about to start learning to read or whether we are talking about a thirty year old woman who is attempting to write a thesis for her master’s degree, we cannot deny the fact that taking time to learn proper English grammar is...

Language 429 Words

En101 Makes Learning English Online Easy, ...

Ever noticed how many opportunities have you passed up because you could not understand/speak/write English? How many times you have apologized for not knowing English?

Learning English has become essential to boost your confidence in your work life or social life. Success in...

Language 577 Words