The History of Calendars

Orthodox Christians celebrate Christmas on January 7. Their “old new year” is a week later, on January 14. It is all Julius Caesar’s fault …

The Romans sometimes neglected to introduce an extra month every two years to amortize the difference between their lunar...

Science 715 Words

How To Develop Effective Training Content

Unless youre teaching others how to use software, theres a good chance youll need a customized training solution. Thats because with something like software, each keystroke has a predetermined result and therefore users need only understand which keys to push and when. Although time-consuming,...

Weather 599 Words

The Fourth Law (of Robotics)

The movie “I, Robot” is a muddled affair. It relies on shoddy pseudo-science and a general sense of unease that artificial (non-carbon based) intelligent life forms seem to provoke in us. But it goes no deeper than a comic book treatment of the important themes that it broaches. I,...

Science 2804 Words

Online Paralegal Degree Never Leave Your ...

Now theres few words that I like more than consortium and portal; and that is just one of the exciting reasons why Im getting all sorts of worked up for my university online degree. Are you thinking that I could engage in other activities that had some semblance of a connection with the words...

K-12 Education 249 Words

How To Communicate With International Email ...

So you have been penpaling for sometime and want to have friends across the globe whose language you do not know. The chances still are they know a bit of your language, for instance English. A ray of hope here is that you and your penpal got a common ground, one language.

Penpaling has...

Weather 469 Words

The Fossil Record And Creation Science

Young earth creationists commonly point to the fossil record in order to support their position. In one instance, the article “The Fossil Record: Becoming More Random All the Time” by John Woodmorappe, has some very good points to it (Footnote 1). Read it if you like, (its a long...

Science 955 Words

Online Health Care Degree Getting It Fast

One of the great values to getting a degree in higher education is the intellectual and social network that are an inherent component to the classroom learning system. The value of this cannot be overstated for several reasons. Complex ideas are better understood through discussions with...

K-12 Education 304 Words

How To Choose The Best Tutor For The Sat, ...

How To Choose The Best Tutor For The Sat, Act, And Gcses

What to look for in a SAT, ACT, or GCSE tutor:

The major goal you have in working with a tutor for school is to raise test scores, such as the SATs or ACT, to improve your performance in a specific area, or, for students in...

Weather 426 Words

Online Defensive Driving Courses

Defensive driving courses are ones that are structured to help individuals learn how to drive safely and drive in accordance with motor vehicle laws. This is not a new type of course but one that has gained increasing recognition over the past few years. Some individuals take these courses in...

K-12 Education 909 Words

The Energy Waste Dilemma

With the price of gasoline on the upswing(again, April 20, 06), there seems to be little sign that we Americans are at least trying to conserve fuel, though there are pockets of concerned groups that are making their voice heard, mainly against Oil Company price gouging. At the same time the...

Science 550 Words

Online Computer Degrees Studying a At A ...

Lets be honest with each other. Some things you find on the internet can be a little short of reputable. Thats reasonable isnt it? What about getting yourself a Masters Degree in 5 days? Probably theres a catch there somewhere. But what about obtaining valuable skills that can give you a...

K-12 Education 297 Words

The Compounds Pueraria Mirifica So Special ...

The Compounds Pueraria Mirifica So Special And Different From Other Phytoestrogen Plants

Before we begin, know that our goal is to give you as much useful information as we can fit on our page.

The compounds that make Pueraria mirifica so special and different from other...

Science 454 Words