Looking To The Past Of Geothermal Energy

Geothermal energy is often viewed as a relatively new form of alternative energy. In truth, the use of geothermal energy stretches far back into the past.

Looking To The Past Of Geothermal Energy

Geothermal energy is literally, earth heat. This type of energy’s name comes...

Science 392 Words

Life of Leonardo da Vinci

Leonardo da Vinci was a painter, sculptor, architect, cartographer, engineer, scientist and inventor in the 15th century. Yet, despite his genius, he referred to himself as “senza lettere” (the illiterate, the man without letters). For good reason: until late in life, he was unable...

Science 560 Words

Home School Group Events

If you are going over a particular inclined subject with the family and you feel that an outing would be conducive, then that’s what you should do – go for a group excursion. If you are united to an encouragement house, you can plan on including that group of people as well. Invite...

Weather 301 Words

Houston Schools New Teacher Merit Pay ...

Houston Schools New Teacher Merit Pay Program Will It Help or Hinder?

Measurement of student achievement through rigorous statewide testing has been a standard in Texas for many years. Houston schools implemented its first merit pay program for teachers in the year 2000.


K-12 Education 573 Words

Learn More about Diamonds

A Diamond is a mineral made of carbon that is crystallized. In fact a diamond is more than 99.95% pure carbon. The remaining 0.05 percent of the elements often influences the crystal’s color and shape. The diamond is also by far the hardest natural substance known to man. Diamonds form...

Science 619 Words

Learn From Earth Science

There is so much to be learned in life, sometimes I find myself overwhelmed with all that I do not know. I’ve heard it said, however, that the smartest people are the ones that know that they do not know much. I like that. I like it because I am acutely aware that there is so much that I...

Science 457 Words

Home School Education Comes Full Circle

The face of schooling has changed over the years. From learning at home from ones family, to one room school houses that served as the classroom for children of many ages, to schools housed in massive buildings where students have access to resources that used to be reserved for the finest...

Weather 461 Words

Houston Schools New Budget Brings Needed ...

Houston Schools New Budget Brings Needed Money for Teachers and Improvements

Houston schools teachers have not had significant pay raise in seven years. The new Houston schools budget plans for an average 8.6 percent pay raise for teachers for the 2006-07 school year, with a total of...

K-12 Education 511 Words

Latest Technology Transfer Could Reduce ...

China is eager to address one of the primary culprits behind its alarming coal mining fatalities, as evidenced by the Pre-Mining Degasification Symposium held in South Chinas Guizhou province on March 31st and April 1st. Sponsored by the provinces Coal Mines Administration Bureau and the Coal...

Science 1156 Words

Homework Help for 8th Grade Science Class

Are you getting hung up on your science homework? Do you need homework help for 8th grade science? If so, you need to read this article. So, take 5 minutes now, to get yourself back on track for a good grade in science!
Most junior high school science classes broadly cover the natural...

K-12 Education 478 Words

Home School Academies: Making It Easier To ...

Home School Academies: Making It Easier To Educate Your Child

What are home school academies? Are you interested in home schooling? Would you like to learn why home schooling may be a very effective choice for you and your family? Learn why home school academies allow you to effectively...

Weather 522 Words

Lasik Eye Surgery Complications

What are some of the possible complications of Lasik eye surgery?

Undercorrection this occurs when the expected vision correction falls short of the desired outcome. This occurs more commonly with patients who have a high degree of nearsightedness (only objects close up are clear),...

Science 618 Words