If you happen to search the internet for scholarships lately, you should have discovered that there are many out there waiting to be awarded. Actually, there are thousands of individual scholarship grants waiting to be awarded to qualified individuals. Meanwhile, a portion of these remains...
The Intermittent Explosive Narcissist
Narcissists invariably react with narcissistic rage to narcissistic injury.
These two terms bear clarification:
Narcissistic Injury
Any threat (real or imagined) to the narcissist’s grandiose and fantastic self-perception (False Self) as perfect, omnipotent,...
The Man Who Brought America to the Moon
On October 4, 1957, Russia launches the first artificial satellite in history – Sputnik. To many Americans this is a shocking event. Few days later Werner von Braun, America’s leading rocket scientist, says in an interview: “We consider the control of space around the earth...
Information About Home Schooling: Is It ...
Information About Home Schooling: Is It Suitable For Your Child?
There are a lot of parents who would like home schooling for their child. But they are afraid because they dont exactly know if they can be their childrens teacher. They also need to find out if home schooling is suitable...
Searching For College Scholarships
If you have just graduated from high school or have been thinking of going back to college to finish your course but have no financial resources, then, you must consider applying for a college scholarship. So if you dont know where to go, here re the places and ways to look into:
The History of Personality Disorders
Well into the eighteenth century, the only types of mental illness – then collectively known as “delirium” or “mania” – were depression (melancholy), psychoses, and delusions. At the beginning of the nineteenth century, the French psychiatrist Pinel coined the...
The Life or Death Guide to being a Student in
The Life or Death Guide to being a Student in the UK
The UK is a beautiful country full of many charms, kind and polite people and a rich heritage and culture. But life in the UK can throw-up many surprises for the overseas student! So if you are considering studying in the UK this list...
Scuola Leonardo Da Vinci Announces The New ...
Scuola Leonardo Da Vinci Announces The New Last Minute Special Offers For Summer 2007
Florence, Italy July 13, 2007 — Don’t you have a plan for this summer? Are you looking for a different holiday? Once again, Scuola Leonardo da Vinci, one of Italy’s largest provider of...
The Heart of Soul
Hide and Seek is a wonderful game to play with your children. The next time you play this game observe what happens. If you are the person hiding your eyes and counting to 10, feel what happens to your heart as you look for your children.
If you pay attention, my hunch is that your heart...
Important Aspects Of Home Schooling
Some 26% of parents in each of the American states consider home schooling for their children over normal school classes. This is because of the benefits both the parents and the children get as a social being. Home schooling gives them the chance to be free of old school days with pressure and...
The Heart of Grief
Hospice patients come to our care after being cut, burned, and poisoned. Surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation treatment are the normative methods of care for most of the patients who enter a life-threatening disease. Hospital staff members are trained to be aggressive about curative care....
How To Schedule Your Homeschooling Day, And ...
How To Schedule Your Homeschooling Day, And Have Time To Spare
When creating a homeschooling schedule, areas of instruction, student age, and family schedule should all be taken into consideration. These three things should be integrated to come up with a schedule that will benefit...