The Road To Your Childs Success Goes Through ...

From the first day your child enters this world and hears the sound of your voice, they begin their foundation for understanding the language and becoming a reader.

From that first moment on, each time you speak to your child and respond to the sounds that they make, you are their teacher...

Weather 624 Words

The Road Less Travelled

“Two roads diverged in a wood, and I, I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.”
– Robert Frost

I watched Leni Riefenstahls Triumph of the Will, a very controversial film on Hitlers 1934 Nuremberg Rally put on by equally controversial...

Weather 353 Words


The price of crude oil has risen by about $40 per barrel in the last year. At the gas pump, prices are rising at an alarming rate with no sign of a slowdown any time soon. In the US, we are now talking $4 per gallon. In the UK petrol is now 1.10 per liter, that is about $9.50 per gallon. Food...

Weather 365 Words

The Right Time For Using Solar Energy For ...

Use of solar energy is becoming more and more popular every day. The price of electricity is rising and the best alternative that we have today is using solar energy. We all know that global warming is on an everyday rise today. The main reason for this being burning of fossil fuels like...

Weather 545 Words

The Rewards Of Teaching Minors

I assume that when most individuals go after their degree in education,they keep in mind the fact that they will be teaching minors. Anyway, this field does seem to be getting more popular in recent times. In fact, a number of folks are taking full advantage of teaching opportunities simply due...

Weather 389 Words

The Recovery Of The Bald Eagle

Most experts expected the bald eagle to become extinct during the 20th century, but this American symbol has since reversed its decline and begun to recover. Experts realized in 1940 that the species had become endangered, and a law was passed to offer it protection from hunters- the Bald and...

Weather 437 Words

The Protectionism Delusion

Economists through years of study and practice have concluded that through free trade, based on the principal of comparative advantage, the world economy can achieve a more efficient allocation of resources and a higher level of material well-being. On the other hand, protectionism...

Weather 454 Words

The Prospects For Physiotherapist Assistant ...

If you enjoy working with people and the idea of helping someone gets back on their feet after an accident or illness excites you, then you may be ideal for a career as a physiotherapist assistant.

What Does A Physiotherapist Assistant Do?

The physiotherapist assistant (typically...

Weather 476 Words

The Pros And Cons Of An Online Business ...

The Pros And Cons Of An Online Business Degree Program

After struggling through five years of college, I proudly graduated with not only my B.A. degree, but also a 20/20 hindsight reflection as to what was successful for me and what was distracting. Not surprisingly, the distractions also...

Weather 634 Words

The Preschool Learning Difference

The preschool environment is designed to educate young children prior to the age of five when most children begin kindergarten. Preschool is an optional learning experience; some preschool programs are offered through the public school district, but in most cases preschool is offered privately ...

Weather 332 Words

The Plight Of Black Boys In America Schools

Its parent-teacher time. We sit and listen. Our sons elementary teacher refused to place him into a higher math. It had been done before. We had provided independent test results that showed he was performing at middle school proficiency. The school had already tested him and found him gifted....

Weather 674 Words

The Pionic Proof Of The Precise Down-Up ...

The Pionic Proof Of The Precise Down-Up Quark Mass Differential

For a number of years now the Particle Data Group ( has listed the measured mass difference between the charged and neutral pions as being equal to 4.5936 (with an experimental uncertainty = .0005) MeV....

Weather 599 Words