Investment Formulas – What Purpose Do ...

What exactly does a formula do? A complete detailed explanation can be as vast and complex as each individual investor and is beyond the scope of this article but a brief summary of a formula’s usefulness would include the two primary functions it fulfills.

First, over a full market...

Investing 657 Words

Investment Clubs For Beginner Investors

If you are an investment beginner and are looking for ways to invest, increase your investing knowledge or buying power and want to gain some friends along the way, then an investment club could just be the thing to help you get started towards a successful investing future.


Investing 511 Words

Investment Basics: Don’t forget about ...

You should consider investing in bonds for both income and stability. In any given year equity markets could appreciate in value by 30 to 40 percent or decline in value by the same amount. Bonds fluctuate far less. Bonds also pay interest on a regular basis and thus investors will receive a...

Investing 364 Words

Investment Basic: What does successful ...

Successful investing requires knowledge, time and commitment, discipline and patience, and the ability to develop an investment strategy that is compatible with your personality.


Each individual must consider what he knows when planning an investment strategy....

Investing 333 Words

Investment Advisors 101 ask some questions.

Investment Advisors (IAs) come in all different intellectual, professional, and alphabetical varieties. They range in educational qualifications from High School dropout to PhD, and can be professional Accountants, Insurance Salesmen, Stock Brokers, Investment Managers, Dentists, Lawyers, TV...

Investing 1029 Words

Investing Without Brakes Is Hazardous To ...

The business of investing in stocks is an inventory buying & selling business. Naturally, the companies that sell stock to the public want you to buy and hold it forever in order to maintain its value. But if you are buying without any selling, you are literally driving without any brakes....

Investing 434 Words

Investing With Confidence

Most peoples beliefs about investing are very tenuous. There are, of course, people who are very passionate about investing. They dont view investing as some esoteric subject, but rather as a field intimately connected to the human behavior they observe in their everyday lives.


Investing 1206 Words

Investing vs. Trading: Who Cares Anyway?

The mutual fund industry requires customers that buy their funds and never sell them. So naturally, they disseminate a lot of editorial decrying any trading, market-timing or re-allocating that includes selling their mutual funds. This non-selling concept gets more ridiculous and hypocritical...

Investing 686 Words

Investing vs. Trading – What’s ...

There is a question which is sometimes asked by those new to the financial markets, and even occasionally debated by experienced participants. That question is how one differentiates between trading and investing. Because both trading and investing – when one considers them from the...

Investing 653 Words

Investing Tips For Beginners

Investing can be confusing, especially for the beginner. Getting some basic tips can help a beginning investor to make informed choices that fit their needs. Each person has a different goal when investing and that plays a big impact on how you invest. The following list explains some things...

Investing 338 Words

Investing The Right Way

The world of investments offers a dangerous draw: huge rewards with the chance of terrible losses. Investors love the idea of accumulating wealth, but no one likes losing money. The trick is to know how to invest with minimal risk. Nobody can predict the fluctuations of the market completely...

Investing 468 Words

Investing Psychology – Know Thyself

America will continue to be the land of opportunity and regardless of what course our economy takes over the next few years, it’s likely that investment opportunities will be numerous and attractive. Companies driven by the ever increasing advancements in technology will emerge, while...

Investing 1020 Words