Building An Emergency Fund – A Vital ...

Building An Emergency Fund – A Vital Part of Financial Planning

None of us have the ability to foresee the future or predict the hurdles which lie ahead of us. This makes building an emergency fund a financial priority. Building an emergency fund is healthy for your financial well...

Personal Finance 621 Words

Budgeting For Emergency Funds?

Emergency funds are considered to be a necessity as far as financial security is concerned, since it can provide one with financial resources that one can resort to and depend on when an emergency arises such that when one is sick and have the burden of paying huge medical bills, or unexpected...

Personal Finance 438 Words

Budgeting: The Critical Flaw That Causes ...

Budgeting: The Critical Flaw That Causes Most Budgets to Fail

Budgeting. It’s a word we’re all familiar with. Everyone knows what a budget is, right? Yet how many of us actually make and stick to a solid monthly budget? The truth is that most of us start out with the best of...

Personal Finance 976 Words

Budget your way to success

Budgeting sounds like a boring strategy used by our parents. For a long time, budgeting was considered the way to manage money because it helped people keep track of where their finances were going. But lots of people are choosing not to budget because it seems so needlessly complicated with...

Personal Finance 466 Words

Budget For The Future

Have you sat down and really thought about your financial future? I know people are busy these days and you think “well I’m young now and I’ll have time to do it later.” You’re dead wrong. You are NEVER too young to start saving for retirement!

They say if a...

Personal Finance 437 Words

Budget Backyard Family Vacations

When travel and lodging are cost prohibitive, you can still have a vacation right at home. Yes, in your own backyard. Many of us live within reasonable distance to museums, campgrounds, historic sites, and beautiful state parks. You might be surprised at what you find in your own local...

Personal Finance 405 Words

Borders Coupon Book

Want to save your money, its not an easy job my friends as we all know we have been always charged higher for any product than what actual price is.

Most of us are difficult kind of shopper, one who wants it cheap AND good. In my defense, as they really after is value, and more than...

Personal Finance 286 Words

Boost your savings

It is general knowledge that residents of the United Kingdom are typically not savers. They tend to spend much more than they save; according to studies, saving money is not as popular as it once was. Saving is extremely important to the quality of life you expect to live in the future. Think...

Personal Finance 444 Words

Be Cool, Feel Good And Save On Utility Bills

Besides staying cool when the warm weather rolls in, not getting hot under the collar when the utility bills arrive can be a challenge. The goal is to find an air-conditioning system that looks nice, makes you feel good and operates efficiently.

How To Measure


Personal Finance 300 Words

Be Cautious When Using Your Nest Egg as an ...

Be Cautious When Using Your Nest Egg as an ATM

About five years ago I moved from the ranks of being a renter to that of being a homeowner. Now, not a week goes by that I dont receive some type of offer through the mail encouraging me to refinance my mortgage, open a home equity line of...

Personal Finance 554 Words

Bargain Finder Secrets

Want to be a bargain finder? Want to be the one that always finds the deals and has money left over? Start by learning the secrets of opportunism.

Do you know that you can eat a wider variety of fruit than your neighbor, and spend only half as much to do so? How? By buying fruit in...

Personal Finance 615 Words

Banks, Loans & How To Save Big Bucks

When shopping around for a loan, whether it be auto, home or consolidation, most individuals turn toward banks for the money that they need. There are a number of factors that can determine how much, or how little, money you can save.

Are you familiar with your credit report and FICO...

Personal Finance 537 Words