Should I Save Mad Money For A Rainy Day?

Yes, this is a good idea! I know you want to know what is mad money? Well, a long time ago this term came about when a young lady went out with her friend to a party and her friend left her at the party with no way home. So, the young lady was mad with her friend that left her at the party and...

Personal Finance 533 Words

Should I Look For Financing Before I Make A ...

Should I Look For Financing Before I Make A Major Purchase?

Yes, yes and yes! Get your financing before you start shopping for a home, vehicle or other major purchase. By doing this beforehand youll save yourself lots of money! Not only that, youll be in a great position to negotiate...

Personal Finance 412 Words

Seven Tips To Get The Best Discount Car ...

Contrary to popular belief, car rental rates are not set in stone. Often, discounts can be found by doing your research, and simply asking for them. Rental companies are eager to rent out cars they are not using. Cars sitting on a lot are not making them any money.

Here are some tips to...

Personal Finance 504 Words

Say “Bah, Humbug!” To Holiday ...

Say “Bah, Humbug!” To Holiday Debt: Avoid the “Holiday Hangover”

Ah, the holiday season! Turkey and dressing, pumpkin pie, office parties, jingle bells, and lots and lots of eggnog make the season a delight. But all fun and reindeer games aside, you have to be...

Personal Finance 1076 Words

Savings bond makes life simpler

The modern socio-economic scenario has made life really very complicated for us, as we all have to run after money to make ends meet. In this age of rapid commercialization of economy, we are always running short of cash no matter how much we earn. As the economy scale new highs aggressive...

Personal Finance 510 Words

Savings Accounts Retire In Style

We all look forward to the day when we can give up work but to ensure your retirement is comfortable you will need to prepare for it carefully.

Putting a proportion of your earnings towards a pension may seem like a drag right now, but realistically you will need to save for as long as...

Personal Finance 403 Words

Saving Money Online with Digital Coupons, ...

Saving Money Online with Digital Coupons, Freebies, and Comparison Shopping

The Internet is a great invention for many different reasons. But, did you know that it can be a great resource for saving you money when shopping? You no longer have to clip coupons out of the Sunday paper; you...

Personal Finance 698 Words

Saving Money On Magazine Subscriptions

If you are interested in subscribing to a magazine or different magazines, you may be wondering how you can fit the costs of subscribing to a magazine or magazines into your overall budget. In this day and age, many people find it very difficult to make ends meet, to maintain a wise budget. They...

Personal Finance 405 Words

Saving Money at the Pump

A recent report in the Financial Times predicted that the average price for a gallon of gasoline in the United States may soon reach $3.00 . . . that’s the bad news! The good news is, skyrocketing gasoline prices have caused many Americans to start looking for ways to either cut back on...

Personal Finance 688 Words

Saving Money Around The House

You spend the most time there, so it makes sense that your house represents your largest expense. Whether it is the day to day upkeep, and operating expenses, repair projects, or the rent or mortgage payment, you allocate a big portion of your income to your home. Because you spend so much money...

Personal Finance 596 Words

Saving Money, Simply

We all know how to spend our money, but do we fully understand how to save it? I am not talking about setting aside a reserve for an investment or rainy day purposes both of which are good things rather, saving money on everyday items. Here are some simple ways you can save...

Personal Finance 465 Words

Saving for Your Future

We all know that we should save money. But something so easy to say can be quite difficult to actually do.

Saving money is the basis of building your financial future. However, many consumers are putting it off one more day. Those days turn quickly into years of lost money. Without...

Personal Finance 640 Words