Tea, High Tea And Afternoon Tea Whats The ...

Tea, High Tea And Afternoon Tea Whats The Difference?

Tea the Drink

There are two forms of tea that often cause confusion in the tea world: tea the drink and tea the meal. Tea the drink is made from the Camellia Sinensis plant and from the processing of the plant white, green,...

Wine 799 Words

How To Use Food Pyramid Guide For Better ...

For those of you who dont know, the food pyramid is a carefully drawn up plan of exactly what the human body needs nutritionally. That is, the food pyramid is a guide to help us determine what we should eat everyday. It doesnt have a set menu of food that you need to eat per day. All it has is a...

Wine 488 Words

Tea – Herbal Tea


Tea, a drink made from herbs, could be divided into two types. First is the tea made from green tea leaves. Second, is the one made from other parts of herbal plants including petals, fruits, bark or roots. To make a cup of tea, we use heating water to bring out certain characters of...

Wine 1120 Words

How To Throw An Exceptional Dinner Party

Everybody loves a dinner party and they are excellent times to get your friends or family together and reconnect or celebrate. A great idea to keep in touch with your friends is to have a dinner party night set up on a regular basis. You can have friends visit your home one-week and you can...

Wine 831 Words

Tea: Growing Quality Green Tea

There are literally hundreds of varieties of green tea, each with its own distinct flavor and characteristics. Green tea is grown in several countries throughout the world, but the vast majority of it is grown in China and Japan.

Most tea gardens, particularly those in China and Japan...

Wine 963 Words

How To Taste Wine

Wine tasting is simply a process applied to distinguish the taste of fine wines. One must be able to note the differences between different types of wines and for expert tasters, also the differences between the vintages of the same class of wine. Sometimes the tasting is called wine de...

Wine 524 Words

How to Store Wine

Having invested possibly hundreds of dollars in your latest bottle of vintage wine (ah well, we can but dream), the next important decision is where to store this prized possession?

The main issue when it comes to storing wine is that it needs to be maintained at a cool temperature of...

Wine 384 Words

Tea: Grading Jasmine Tea

Jasmine tea is the most popular flavored tea in the world. The first jasmine tea was produced in China and made from green tea. Today, however, jasmine flowers are used to scent teas from all over the world, in black, white, green and oolong varieties.

What makes jasmine tea so wonderful...

Wine 849 Words

Tea: Earl Grey Tea: Who Was Earl Grey?

Earl Grey tea is a popular flavored black tea named after an historic figure in 19th century England. Earl Greys existence and historic accomplishments are well documented but his influence on the tea that bears his name is less clear.

Charles Grey was the 2nd Earl Grey, (13 March 1764 ...

Wine 536 Words

How To Serve Wine

Perhaps you have selected an occasion to open that special bottle of wine that you have been saving, or maybe you are hosting a dinner party. Knowing how to properly open, serve, and enjoy your wine will make the experience that much more memorable, as well as allow you to experience the wine...

Wine 834 Words

Tea: Drinking White Persian Melon Tea

White tea is fast becoming a very popular drink in the Western world. Once consumed only in China and Japan, and only for the most elegant of occasions, white tea is now being consumed as an everyday beverage for people all over the world.

White tea is special because of its very light...

Wine 931 Words

How To Select An Ice Cream Scoop

Remember when an ice cream scoop waswell, an ice cream scoop. An old-fashioned ice cream scoop still gets the job done, especially if it has a nice heft and balance and is long enough to get some leverage. And the traditional spring action, quick-release ice cream scoops are hard to beat if they...

Wine 473 Words