Acne is very common and medically classified as a skin disease. They are caused by excessive secretion of oily substance called the sebum by sebaceous glands. Although sebum is very good in maintaining skin and hair texture, excess secretion of the same gets stuck in hair follicles and leads to...
Acne and Adult Acne (Rosacea), what is wrong ...
Acne and Adult Acne (Rosacea), what is wrong with me?
When my friend Sid was small he used to get pimples. His brothers used to get acne pimples as well but they were lucky because their acne used to disappear quickly. He was the unlucky one because he used to get a new one almost every...
Acne Alternative Treatments
There is no clear account of the number of people suffering from acne. But the sale of medicines for acne is on the increase and this suggests that there is an increase in the number of people having acne. Acne is caused mainly due to the clogging of the oil generated by the skin. This clogging...
Acne Advice For People Wanting Blemish Free ...
Acne is a disorder of the skin that affects adults as well as teens. It occurs when follicles, or pores, become blocked. Oils, naturally present in skin, are unable to drain and become blocked inside the follicles. Before long bacteria begins to grow.
Skin blemishes referred to as...
Acne Adult Care Tips
Acne affects almost everybody at least for some part of their life. It is common during adolescence though it affects many into late adulthood. It causes much disturbance and may sometimes cause depression and low self esteem. The individual affected by acne usually frequently washes the...
Acne Accuracies
Acne is the eruption of lesions on various parts of your body. You could have acne on your face, on your chest, on your back, on your neck, on your shoulders, and even on the upper part of your arms. These acne lesions might appear as blackheads, whiteheads, nodules or cysts. Most people get...
Acne: You Can Fight Acne with Masks
You can fight acne not only with gel or special soaps, but also with natural masks. Masks made of products you easily may find in your kitchen and you easily can make, too. These ones are granted to work. These products have great qualities that are inherent in the most ordinary things that can...
Acne: What It Is And How To Fight It
Acne is basically a blockage in the pore which causes bacteria to be trapped and form either a whitehead or a blackhead. While there are many myths that point to diet as a cause of acne, these are unfounded. Junk foods and chocolate are not associated with acne. The reason people get acne is...
Acne – What Causes Acne?
Though acne may not be a serious problem, it can sometimes lead to psychological and mental stress. Many people lose their self esteem because of this problem.
So what causes acne? Acne is caused by hormonal disorder. Excessive secretion of the skin oil glands combine with naturally...
Acne: There are a lot of treatments to fight ...
Acne: There are a lot of treatments to fight acne
Acne is the most widespread skin disorder in the world, according to statistics. Experts spend a lot of time doing research to determine how acne forms and how it is eliminated. Different treatments, medicines, and products have been...
Acne: The battle of facing acne
Acne is a problem for everyone. First, because it is difficult to accept it; and second, because you have to figth against this skin disorder and social beauty parameters too. However, everything goes worst when a young girl or boy suffers acne, since classmates are cuel and do not watch...
Acne, The Bane Of High School
If you had acne problems, I feel sorry for you. I mean there is nothing worse than the social rejection suffered by those with less than average complexions. The especially sad part is that there was nothing that they could do to prevent it. And on top of that some people suffer from the...