The Main Causes of Acne

Medically speaking, an acne sufferer has a combination of elements working in unison, often causing inflammation to our skin otherwise known as acne.

These elements include:

Trapped bacteria under the skin
Increased oil
Keratosis retention

Increased oil...

Acne 378 Words

The Impact of Acne

Social Impact

Many acne sufferers tend to isolate themselves from society and purposely chose not to socialize with their friends. Why? Because acne sufferers are plagued with feelings of depression, embarrassment and have a poor body image. This then leads to frustration, anger and...

Acne 613 Words

The Hope of Acne Patients

New Laser Therapy Prevents Acne From Graduating to Scars

Whats a four letter word for a skin condition that affects nearly 80 percent of the population in various forms and can cause considerable emotional stress? If you answered acne, then you hit this hard-to-treat condition on the...

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The Facts About Back Acne

Unless you are in that small percentage that never had any acne problems, you know that acne is a drag. It is unsightly and often painful, resulting in lower self-esteem and confidence for the acne sufferer. While many people would agree that getting acne on their backs is not as bad as getting...

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The Emotional Effects of Acne

You’ve been anticipating and possibly dreading the “big day” for weeks. The nature of the event isn’t important; it may be a first date, an important job interview, or your own birthday party. You try to hide behind hair or heavy make-up. But you can’t ignore the...

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The Different Types Of Acne Medication

To treat acne, there exists many types of acne medication and solutions. Many of the acne medication treatments may include topical or systematic acne solutions. Additionally, homeopathic treatments may also be applied to prevent the out-break of acne, an example of which is the use of mild...

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The Daily Battle Against Adult Acne

The prevalence of acne and pimples is generally thought to be problems of the teenage and prepubescent strata of the population, but it is not unusual to see minor cases of adult acne.

And this is normally the situation faced by many adults who scaled through their teenage period without...

Acne 471 Words

The Costs of Microdermabrasion

The cost of microdermabrasion can be categorized under three general levels: at-home, health spas and salons, and medical practices. Each category also varies in price. Lets explore the at-home cost of microdermabrasion first.

The cost of microdermabrasion home systems is the cheapest of...

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The Connection Between Best Acne Treatments ...

Some of the best acne treatments offered today are based or developed through high technology and scientific innovations. The emergence of high tech medical devices and instruments has changed the way medical and health-related concerns are addressed by specialists and the public in...

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The Complete Acne Treatment Regimen

When it comes to caring for and treating an acne condition, many people fail to take a full blown approach. In other words, many people with acne tend to do one thing when it comes to treating their condition. For example, they might buy a great cleanser to assist in the care and treatment of...

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The Causes of and Possible Solutions to Acne ...

Acne is the term for plugged pores (blackheads and whiteheads), pimples, and even deeper lumps (cysts or nodules) that occur on the face, neck, chest, back, shoulders and even the upper arms. Acne affects most teenagers to some extent. However, the disease is not restricted to any age group;...

Acne 1560 Words

The Best Way To Clear Up Acne

When you have a pimple on your face it is certain that this will attract remarks from friends and foes. The only snag is the comments can be derisive, rather than complimentary. I experienced the same thing in high school, when my biggest priority then was finding the best way to clear up acne....

Acne 351 Words