How dangerous are Painkillers?

Medical Statistics say that in nearly 50 per cent of people, teeth are irregular, crooked or not aligned. With advances in the field of dentistry, particularly in the branch of orthodontics which deals with correction of irregularities in the teeth and jaws, the treatment of such teeth is not...

Medicine 434 Words

How Are Antioxidants Linked to Anti-Aging?

Antioxidants have been widely praised in the media. Many know they are linked with anti-aging properties. However this is not new, it all began with one mans theory a half a century ago about how free radicals were associated with aging, and science has been trying to catch up with it ever...

Medicine 707 Words

How A First Aid Kit Saved My Life

A couple of years back I went on a mountain trip, alone. I had walked the same path before as I intended that beautiful morning in May. I parked my car on the parking lot and put on my gear. This particular path was one of the more difficult ones, and I did not meet anyone else out there in the...

Medicine 516 Words

Hospitalists: Can You “Catch” ...

It’s an emerging trend, and one that many patients find confusing and uncomfortable: their primary doctor doesn’t visit them in the hospital any more and doesn’t manage their hospital care.

Primary care doctors are increasingly turning the care of their hospitalized...

Medicine 683 Words

Hoodia Said To Benefit Appetite Suppression, ...

Hoodia Said To Benefit Appetite Suppression, But Experts Not Certain

Hoodia is characterized as a genus originating from a plant that, even though it is not in the same family, very much resembles that of a cactus. Hoodia plants produce flowers with vibrant colors and a pronounced scent....

Medicine 428 Words

Honey – Treatment For Bad Ailments

For many it may just be one part of diet through desserts but, Honey is lot more than that. It is one of the oldest remedial components widely used in many homes. The best part about honey is that it can be found in any season and can be easily stored. It is also used as a healing agent due to...

Medicine 537 Words

Homeopathic Treatment Of Acute Dental ...

We rich person been in homeopathic practice now for over 20 days. We remember the first time we attended a conference of the International Foundation for Homoeopathy, a number of old age after we were out of school, and heard a presentation by Jennifer Jacobs, MD on using homoeopathy for acute...

Medicine 343 Words

Home Remedies To Retain Teeth And Lip Color ...

Home Remedies To Retain Teeth And Lip Color For Intense Smokers

Have years of smoking made your teeth yellow and darkened the color of your lips? Here are some home remedies that can help you retain teeth and lip color.

Whiter Teeth

These home remedies will lighten the...

Medicine 487 Words

Home Remedies For Vaginal Yeast Infection

Vaginal Yeast infection in women is very common. Yeasts or Candida fungus are minute organisms that live in small numbers on human body. Yeast infection occurs when the number of these organisms increases beyond a certain level.

Typically, the acidity in the vagina keeps the level of...

Medicine 542 Words

Home Remedies For Toothache

Teeth are an amazing balance of form and function, aesthetic beauty and engineering. Good teeth are an important part of one’s health and appearance. Toothache is a very common problem that occurs to anyone without any warning.

Sharp, throbbing, shooting or constant pain is the...

Medicine 515 Words

Home Remedies For Strep Throat

Sore throat ailment is widespread during winter months and viral outbreaks. Signaling the onset of cold or flu, it is preceded by sneezing, coughing, runny nose, pain in the throat and fatigue.

Chamomile tea had every few hours will ease the pain and reduce inflammation. Sage is...

Medicine 563 Words

Home Remedies For Sprains And Strains

Sprains are mainly caused due to stretching or tearing of ligaments resulting in restriction of your movement. The prime reason for this injury is the sudden change of direction or due to a collision. The common parts affected are the ankles, wrists and knees.

Sprain on the other hand is...

Medicine 460 Words