Treatment of prostate cancer has augmented ...

Treatment of prostate cancer has augmented since the breach of the PSA.

According to the five-year relative survival rate for patients whose cancer is detected whereas still in the general and regional stages is 100%.

Prostate cancer is among the foremost causes...

Mens Issues 264 Words


Are you a man in your 30s or older? At that age, a man should stop taking virility for granted and begin to plan for an eventual decline in testosterone. He will need to be aware that with the decline in the male hormone causes symptoms that will make him feel less vital. It’s possible...

Mens Issues 577 Words

The Myths of Penis Enlargement

Throughout the ages mankind has always been ready to make up for any lack of knowledge with a combination of intuition, deduction, observation and outright invention that is usually called myth. Myths are stories that are based to a certain degree on what men understood from the facts before...

Mens Issues 546 Words

The Measure of a Man

Since the end of the Industrial Age, men have lacked proper male role models. Pampered by our cushy white-collar jobs, our hands had become soft and our will has turned to mush. We have become the proverbial ‘yes man’ of the corporate world lacking a spine, slithering around with a...

Mens Issues 1260 Words

The Male Enhancement Market Today

This is the 30th century and not just the 21st century. Many taboos of yesteryears have simply been washed away. With lots happening in technology especially in the medical field, people are able to enjoy the lifestyle that even their parents couldnt. Earlier the market for penis enlargement was...

Mens Issues 427 Words

The Magical Qualities of Human Pheromones

Pheromones work like magic. But why and how they work is explained by biochemical scientist.

Pheromones are natural biochemicals released by animals and insects that help to communicate sexual interest to members of the opposite sex. These biochemicals (pheromones) influence mating,...

Mens Issues 228 Words

The Latest Trends In Mens Hairstyles

Today’s man hair style can be either long and textured or super short and tight and still be considered trendy and at the height of fashion. Some men’s hair styles require gel, mousse or pomade while others don’t even need to be combed. The truth is that now more than ever...

Mens Issues 551 Words

The Latest Forms Of Stuttering Treatments

If you suffer from the speech impediment known as stuttering, you are not alone. Latest figures suggest that around one percent of the population of England has a stutter or stammer and that the majority of these people are male. In this article I write about the latest stuttering treatments...

Mens Issues 637 Words

The Importance of Penis Hygiene

Hygiene is a cornerstone of modern civilization. We all know that people living in the period of time between the end of the Roman Empire and the beginning of the modern age were not particularly concerned with washing. Some saw washing as an unnecessary luxury, others saw it as the first step...

Mens Issues 692 Words

The Causes of Impotence

Known under many nicknames over time and feared by any man who seeks to enjoy life, impotence is getting to be a more and more common dysfunction in these times. Higher levels of stress and pollution, lifestyles that are harmful to the body and exposure to beauty and sex standards that are not...

Mens Issues 750 Words

Testosterone And Manhood.

When I was asked to write about testosterone and manhood, I started to think of the different ages and the influence of testosterone. Testosterone is the hormone responsible for the development of manhood after the child reaches puberty. This influx of hormones has a great psychological...

Mens Issues 377 Words

Take Viagra Save Species in Jeopardy

Whenever there is a discussion about Viagra or even the word Viagra strikes our mind the first thing that we think is erectile dysfunction but have we ever in our wildest dream thought that Viagra can be helpful in saving a lot of endangered species.

Surprised! But thats true, the blue...

Mens Issues 382 Words