How To Avoid Those Holiday Pounds!

If you believe the old stories about much weight people put on during the holidays, youre rightpartially. In a recent study conducted by The National Institute of Health, the researchers discovered that, in reality, most people tend to only put on just slightly under one pound. But a person who...

Weight Loss 535 Words

Importance of Vitamins in your Life


Natural vitamins are those organic food substances which are found only in plants and animals, i.e., living things. The body is not able to synthesize or manufacture vitamins (although there are a few exceptions to this). Because of this, they must be supplied either directly in...

Supplements 569 Words

How To Make Thinning Hair Lush and Thick

Even people with thinning hair dream of having lush, thick and healthy locks to set off their complete look. For most people with thinning hair, though, all of their styling endeavors are met with frustration and a resulting style that falls short of the image that they had envisioned....

Beauty 541 Words

What you need to know About Tummy Tuck ...

Tummy tuck surgery or abdominoplasty is a clinical procedure to drown the excess fat and skin accumulated around your lower abdomen, tighten your loose abdomen muscles and reposition your naval. Nowadays, more and more individuals are considering a tummy tuck surgery to get back into shape...

Medicine 344 Words

Benefiting From Your Yoga Practice

Yoga is not only an extremely popular form of exercise, but depending on the form you practice, can be exciting or calming, social or meditative, energizing or relaxing. No matter which of these best describes your yoga class, here are a few tips to help you get the most out of every class you...

Yoga 339 Words

Beat Erectile Dysfunction

Sexual health problems are never easy to talk about, but they are a whole lot tougher to live with. A healthy and fulfilling sex life is mandatory for a content existence. It is a very important part of the cement that holds a relationship together; in fact, it adds the spark that any great...

Mens Issues 420 Words

Strength Train For A Longer Life


Strength training can be beneficial for all age groups. It is a great form of exercise that can really improve quality of life and help fight off disease and injury.

A lot of the health benefits you get from exercise in general can be derived through strength training. It...

Health & Fitness 440 Words

You Don’t Need To Be a chemist To ...

You Don’t Need To Be a chemist To Understand Carbamide Peroxide For Teeth Whitening

Peroxide, that bubbly stuff used by doctors and moms to clean scrapes for years is the base chemical for this teeth whitening agent. Surprise!

Carbamide peroxide and /or Hydrogen peroxide are...

Beauty 591 Words

Yeast Infection: Description, Causes and ...

What is Yeast Infection?

This kind of infection is most common among women. However, many remain ignorant or unaware of this medical problem. It is important to know the symptoms, dangers, and related conditions of yeast infection to be able to treat it early on. It is also necessary to...

Health & Fitness 578 Words

How To Make The Most Of Whats Naturally ...

How To Make The Most Of Whats Naturally Yours – Enhancing Your Eyes With Eyeliner.

The eyes are generally considered the most beautiful part of the body.

They are seen as windows to your soul, and very few people decline to comment on a pair of striking eyes. Fortunately,...

Beauty 552 Words

Exercise Bikes How Far They Have Come

The exercise bike has long been the type of exercising that people just love to do. Why? It is relatively easy to do and it allows people to exercise at virtually any time, in a number of different ways. It is through these bikes that people can tone muscle or lose weight. They can find an...

Cardio 496 Words

Hypnosis Weight Loss: Some Ways to Stop the ...

Controlling your weight and avoiding weight gain as you get older are important ways to prevent a host of weight-related health problems.

Indeed, if you are more than 20 pounds over your ideal weight, you are at greater risk for a rogues gallery of potentially deadly conditions, including...

Supplements 603 Words