As with all our body organs, skin ages as programmed by genes. This is called internal ageing. Dry skin, age spots, white hair, hair loss, thin nails and other skin changes come purely due to age. Skin also ages by external factors. Sun is the main external factor that ages the skin. The sunrays...
Herbal skin care
Skin care is not a topic of recent times; it has been in practice since ancient times, when herbal skin care was probably the only way to take care of skin. However, skin care has transformed in a big way. Herbal skin care routines have been replaced by synthetic/chemical-based skin care...
How To Dye Your Pubic Hair
More recently, women have become aware about the condition of their pubic hair. From Brazilian waxes to pubic hair shaping and pubic shaving, women are starting to treat their pubic region with much more care and attention. For a lot of women, shaving their pubic region is a step too far and...
Steroids may have Negative Effects as Well.
Steroids are a group of cogent compounds linked to the male sex hormone testosterone that encourage muscle development and the growth of male sexual traits. Steroids are often recommended for the conditions like delayed puberty, impotency, and body-wasting in patients with AIDS.
Womens Health Advice: Five Powerful ...
Years ago, the word “anti aging” seemed to come only from science fiction movies. People joked about the Fountain of Youth and miracle medicines that were supposed to reverse the aging process to make one look 10 or 20 years younger. But today, anti-aging is more than a myth. Through...
Steroids In Sports Are Illegal & ...
Sports have become highly competitive activities nowadays. Some bodybuilders, sports persons, and athletes just target to win the athletic competitions. So, they do not hesitate to use anabolic steroids in sports and athletics to increase their performance.
Despite the evidence that...
What Is Refractive Eye Surgery?
Refractive eye surgery is a type of eye surgery that is used to rectify refractive errors of the eye and decrease dependency on corrective lenses such as eyeglasses and contact lenses. Successful refractive procedures can reduce myopia or nearsightedness, hyperopia or farsightedness, and...
Take Care With Skin Care
Our skin is one of the parts of our bodies that we should have the most concern for. It is one of the things that is exposed not only to the people around us, but also to all of the harmful things found in our environment. Taking time to practice good skin care should be one of the things we do...
Hoodia Gordonii-The Star Cactus
Hoodia Gordonii is the newest in a long line of weight loss supplements to hit the market. This new competitor seems to have what it takes to compete for the title as weight loss king.
Hoodia Gordonii is a cactus found in Africa, it has been eaten by the bushmen for thousands of years as...
Heart supplements that will energize your ...
Heart supplements that will energize your body and reduce the side effects of statin drugs.
If your get up and go got up and went these heart supplements are just what youve been looking for. If you are taking any of the statin family of drugs such as Lipitor, Zocor or Crestor to lower...
Why do we need eye creams?
Believe it or not, your lifestyle takes a toll on your eyes. Eating and sleeping habits along with the growing age leave a visible impact on the soft tissues that guard your eyes from outside. These tissues dont have any fat glands, which makes them the most sensitive organ in the human body....
Women Should Groove their Way Out of ...
The mashed potato, the twist, the limbo rock, the hustle, the macarena, the roger rabbit, the running man or the chicken noodle soup? Have you tried all of these moves? Yes, we are talking about grooving and dancing!
Dancing goes back to ancient times body movements accompanied by music...