How To Care For Your Vision

While our society places a great importance on being physically fit, an emphasis is rarely placed on the eyes. It has been said that the eyes are the window into the soul. If they are not cared for correctly, it can be hard to perform everyday activities. Many people who do not care for their...

Beauty 420 Words

High Protein Energy Bars

Nowadays, everywhere you go you see different varietys of these bars being sold. Protein bars have become a popular meal replacement for active people and serve as a healthier snack for people looking to add a few extra calories. Generally, there are two types of these bars out there and they...

Weight Loss 545 Words

What To Know About Organic Cosmetics

Due to the growing concern for the potential damage that harsh chemicals can cause the body and the environment, going natural is the current trend in cosmetics today. Women are now looking for products that are made of natural ingredients that wouldnt irritate or harm their skin in any way. The...

Beauty 760 Words

Steroid Use In Sports Is Banned

There are vague references of steroid use in sports in the 1936 Berlin Olympics where the German Olympic team is believed to have taken oral testosterone preparations. The World Weightlifting Championships of 1950s are widely known for Soviets weightlifters steroid use in sports of...

Health & Fitness 539 Words

Winstrol-Stanozolol A Dihydrotestosterone ...

Winstrol-Stanozolol is widely known steroids all over the world. Initially, Winstrol-Stanozolol was developed by Winthrop Laboratories in 1962. Winstrol-Stanozolol has been approved by Food and Drug Administration for use in humans. Like other anabolic steroids, Winstrol-Stanozolol is classed as...

Health & Fitness 331 Words

Spray Tanning – What To Expect

Spray tanning has become a modern fashion phenomenon. It is a brilliant way of avoiding both the shocking risks of skin cancer associated with regular sun bathing and sun beds, and also the streaky, orange look that gives self-tanning lotions and mousses a tacky reputation.


Womens Issues 523 Words

Glyconutrients – How Much To Take?

Before we address the obvious question about how to take glyconutrients, let’s first discuss briefly what they are.

Glyconutrients, are 100% vegetarian based derived entirely from plants & seaweeds. They combine aloe based saccharides with fucose-rich Undaria pinnatifida. They...

Supplements 299 Words

Yoga for Weight Loss: What you need know to ...

Yoga for Weight Loss: What you need know to succeed (part 2)

Welcome back folks.

Okay, lets cut right to the chase for how Yoga for weight loss works.
Weve gone over the sun salutations and if you are anything like me, you probably tried them out and are sold on Yoga the...

Weight Loss 788 Words

What Is Arthritis?

Arthritis is a general term used to categorize over 100 different conditions and diseases. What these 100+ diseases and conditions all have in common is a problem with a joint inside the body. The human body has joints in the spine, shoulders, knees, hips, elbows, wrists, fingers, ankles and...

Medicine 336 Words

How To Care For Your Contact Lenses

Taking care of your contact lenses is very important. Properly maintaining your lenses is basically broken down into two categories, and these are disinfection and cleaning. Failing to do either of these things can lead to severe consequences for the health of your eyes. When you clean your...

Beauty 424 Words

Winstrol The Stanozolol Drug From Winthrop ...

Winstrol is a DHT derivative which means that it is a 17AA steroid derived from dihydrotestosterone. It falls in the 17-methyl-2 H -5 (alpha)-androst-2-eno {3, 2 c} pyrazol-17 (beta) chemical methyl groups. It has a substance called Stanozolol in it, which is solidified into tablet form and the...

Health & Fitness 365 Words

Here’s The Real Reason Why Dieting ...

Here’s The Real Reason Why Dieting Won’t Help You To Lose Body Fat

You may not like what Im about to say, but dieting alone will not help you to lose weight. Watching your diet alone is not going to yield results unless it is coupled with proper exercise. You have to make a...

Weight Loss 814 Words