Very strange indeed! You have heard plans for gaining! Here you are thinking about a loss plan! And you are very serious about this loss! You have a loss-sharing buddy, you congratulate each other over the losses you have ‘gained’ in the period under review! Any reduction in the loss...
Five Things Anyone Can Do To Stay Healthy
While there are many lifestyle choices a person can make to stay healthy, most experts agree that there are five main behaviors we can initiate in order to increase our chances of staying in optimum physical health. The beneficial tips presented in this article are by far not an all-inclusive...
What I Learned From Drug Rehabilitation
One of the hardest but most redemptive seasons of my life happened when I spent fourteen months in a drug rehabilitation center. In all my years of writing, I have never written about this experience that has so distinctly shaped my life.
Of course, I never would have dreamed that over a...
Steroid abuse in history
Anabolic steroids were first discovered around 1930 and were initially used as natural drugs. They were mainly used to treat Hypogonadism. This is a medical condition where testosterone levels in a body are low. Anabolic steroids are direct derivatives of testosterone. A few years later,...
What is the Tummy Tuck Procedure?
Tummy Tuck Procedure is a form of plastic surgery which is used to correct the disfigured lower stomach, particularly the region around the lower abdomen muscles. This problem is mostly found in women after pregnancy and in men after a gastric bypass surgery. The Tummy tuck procedure known as...
How To Apply Lip Gloss Correctly!
What are Lip Glosses? Lip gloss and lip shine comes in tubes and tiny pots that are convenient to use and give a shimmer and shine to your lips that you have always wished for. These days, they are manufactured to last for long periods of time and can be water-resistant too.
Lip Gloss can...
Why Walking is the New Running
There is a word that most overweight people dislike, it is a word that turns people off and makes their mind switch to another channel to avoid thinking about it.
Unfortunately it is a key part to weight reduction and something that when done correctly can be the cause of your...
Simply Defrazzle
Stress is when you wake up screaming and you realize you haven’t fallen asleep yet
What mom couldnt write a book on the effects of stress? Is there a mother out there who isnt intimately acquainted with all that makes her blood-pressure rise, her head...
Why You Should Take Up A Physical Hobby
The working day is getting gradually longer and more of us are forced to work a greater number of days in the week In fact, it is not uncommon to finish work late and then continue work at home. You should try to avoid this situation if possible. Draw a line between your working life and your...
Steroid: A Powerful Drug
Steroid is the synthetic drug or natural compound, or steroid hormone that promotes general growth or the growth or function of the reproductive organs and the development of secondary sex characteristics. There are many types of synthetic drug or natural steroids. The natural steroid alcohol...
Have You Thrown Your Money Away On Weight ...
Have You Thrown Your Money Away On Weight Loss Supplements That Don’t Deliver?
If you are thinking about using a weight loss supplement to help you lose weight, think again. The majority of all non-prescription weight loss medications are simply diuretics – they simply drain...
Have You Ever Seen A Fat Postman
This article is all about how to lose weight, I hope you find it interesting to read and beneficial. I am somebody who has always struggled to keep off the fat and who has tried many different forms of diet.
From about the age of twelve, I have had problems with my weight. I have to be...