Good for your hips, and also for your heart: ...

Good for your hips, and also for your heart: Why cardiologists want you to go low-carb

Theres been a lot of news that low carb diets are bad for your heart, because of the protein and fat content. But thats largely due to the way people misinterpret the mandate to reduce carbs and shift...

Weight Loss 546 Words

How Dental Plans Differ from Dental Insurance

It is unfortunate that people do not give the required attention to their teeth and dental care as they do for other kind of diseases and illnesses. In order to minimize the costs on dental treatments and to prevent dental diseases it is good to have a dental plan to take care of all such...

Beauty 545 Words

What Are Some Natural Hypoglycemia ...

Hypoglycemia is a condition where there is low blood sugar. Symptoms of this include anxiety, trembling, heart palpitations, sweating, and dilated pupils. Many symptoms can occur or become more severe after eating. It is important to consult a physician if these symptoms are present to rule out...

Medicine 407 Words

Why Suicide?

Some people are just too pessimistic about their situation and about life itself. These people have the idea that no matter what they do, no matter what they say, everything would seem to have a negative impact on themselves or to their surroundings. We really do not know what is going on in...

Health & Fitness 544 Words

Why Are Men More Overweight Than Women?

Male obesity has become a weighty topic…and it’s on the rise in the United States. Although weight-loss programs and diet trends often focus on women, the American Obesity Association found that the prevalence to be overweight is higher for men (67 percent) than women (62 percent)....

Weight Loss 320 Words

Shape Great Looking Eyebrows With Tweezers

Tweezing is the most inexpensive way to remove unwanted hair. A pair of Tweezers will cost between two to five dollars, but the effect of a well shaped eyebrow through tweezing can be very astounding. Your eyebrows shape should go along with your brow bones natural line. The arch should come out...

Womens Issues 827 Words

Health Pointers for the Fitness Babes

Exercise is an essential in life. Most people will certainly nod their heads to this. Exercise is not only perfect for losing weight, it is also good for keeping a reasonable body weight, for giving a boost on the metabolic rate and also for burning those unwanted excess calories. Exercise also...

Supplements 645 Words

What Does Hypoallergenic Mean Anyway?

The word hypoallergenic is a term that probably most of us have run across. It is used in advertising and placed on product labels of shampoos, moisturizers, make-up, and even jewelry. Most people think it means that a product that is hypoallergenic wont react with their allergies. But is this...

Beauty 640 Words

Staying Away: A Little Info On Avoidant ...

Every so often, people can end up feeling more than just a light touch of performance or social anxiety. This is perfectly natural for us, because being put into situations where we feel we have little to no control at all is one of those things that kicks in our fight-or-flight response....

Health & Fitness 544 Words

How Contact Lenses Can Treat Myopia

Myopia is a vision problem that effects a large number of people, especially children. There has been debate in the medical community about whether of not the growth of myopia can be slowed. Research has demonstrated that rigid gas permeable contacts were able to slow down the development of...

Beauty 401 Words

Why Americans Are Overweight and What to Do ...

Why Americans Are Overweight and What to Do About It

Yummy, yummy, yummy, see my obese tummy! should perhaps be Americas new national anthem.

How Overweight Is America?

How serious is obesity in America? According to Kathleen Donnelly for MSN Health & Fitness,...

Weight Loss 1494 Words

Good Fats and Bad Fats; what is The Real ...

Good Fats and Bad Fats; what is The Real Difference?

For most of us, eating is one of the most satisfying things we do in our everyday lives. As a matter of fact, we have our favorite dishes, favorite drinks and favorite snack foods which only proves that eating is one of our favorite...

Weight Loss 539 Words