When your mouth spells dry

Have you ever experienced difficulties in tasting, chewing, swallowing, and speaking? Ever noticed your saliva seems thick, or there are sores or split skin at the corners of your mouth? Then you may be experiencing a condition called xerostomia or dry mouth.

The dental term xerostomia...

Health & Fitness 586 Words

Good oral care means a regular old Fashioned ...

Good oral care means a regular old Fashioned brushing and dental flossing

Face it, as we age, our teeth become worn and dull. One way to limit the dull look is to take control and develop a consistent oral hygene regimen. This effort should include brushing your teeth regularly with a...

Beauty 586 Words

Is A Vegetarian Diet Safe For My Infant?

If, for dietary or ethical reasons, you have decided that you want to put your infant on a vegetarian diet, you should be very careful in choosing formulas and solid food for your child.

If you plan to breastfeed the infant and you are also a vegetarian, you may need to supplement...

Health & Fitness 305 Words

So, are you in pain?

You spent your 9 to 5 mostly at the office. Hunched over in some small cubicle, you try to beat the deadlines while enduring the pain in your neck, in your back, and just about every other part of your tired body. Included in your everyday complaint list is the stiffening right shoulder and the...

Health & Fitness 802 Words

Ephedrine and Its Use In Weight Loss

Ephedrine has been shown to increase the effectiveness of thermogenesis (fat burning) in the body. It contributes to the release and blocks the re-uptake of the neurotransmitter norepinephrine. This gives norepinephrine the ability to continuously stimulate receptors in your body, causing fat...

Weight Loss 824 Words

Treating ADHD the Natural Way

There is no correlation between people suffering from ADHD and their accomplishments in life. Albert Einstein, Nelson Rockefeller, Galileo, and Thomas Edison are just some of the few famous people who suffer with ADHD.

ADHD can be treated with new drug called Focalin XR. ADHD is more...

Medicine 370 Words

Good Dental Care At Home Can Keep Your Teeth ...

Good Dental Care At Home Can Keep Your Teeth Looking Bright!

Using a good quality toothbrush and toothpaste can help keep your smile bright!

When we talk about dental care many people think about that trip to the dentists every 6 months. You DO go to the dentist regularly...

Beauty 693 Words

When Your Date With The Stork Is Taking Too ...

When Your Date With The Stork Is Taking Too Long

Women today are very much career-oriented. They are no longer the damsels-in-distress waiting for Prince Charming to rescue them and live happily ever after. They have become more strong-willed, more driven, more empowered, and more...

Health & Fitness 852 Words

Antioxidant Vitamins

The antioxidant vitamins found in fruits, vegetables, teas and supplements are proving to be powerful agents in the fight against disease causing free radicals.

The original concept was to take recommended daily allowance (RDA) of vitamins to a level that would prevent acute...

Supplements 368 Words

Snoring problem cure.

Does anyone in your family have a snoring problem?

I have finally found a cure. About two years ago I started to snore. It got to the point that my soul mate, wife and lover of over 36 years had to leave the room and sleep on the couch. I also had sleep apnea. I would stop breathing...

Health & Fitness 492 Words

How To Cook For A Vegetarian This Holiday ...

Are you worried about cooking for a vegetarian in your family this upcoming holiday season? Well, worry no more. This article will tell you exactly what you need to do and know before you start cooking this holiday season.

You can start off by finding out what type of vegetarian your...

Health & Fitness 524 Words

The Truth About Laser Hair Removal

The removal of unwanted hair with lasers has rapidly gained popularity. However this form of treatment is not for everyone and it is important that consumers become educated as to the different and competing hair removal procedures available.

Some procedures still in use are outdated,...

Beauty 906 Words