Taking Control of Anxiety Attacks

Anyone who has ever experienced anxiety attacks can attest that the condition can be very debilitating. Shortness of breath, palpitations, numbness, nausea, and the feeling of being trapped are all part and parcel of having an anxiety attack. Fortunately, there are ways of preventing an attack,...

Health & Fitness 499 Words

What Is Endometriosis And Common Symptoms

Endometriosis is a condition that can prevent pregnancy in a woman. It is a disease that is fairly common and can afflict women from their first menstrual cycle through menopause. In rarer cases, endometriosis can affect post-menopausal women as well. Currently, there is no cure for...

Womens Issues 302 Words

Prenatal Yoga Teaches Breathing & ...

Prenatal Yoga Teaches Breathing & Relaxation Exercises For Expectant Mothers

Prenatal yoga is an exercise that is designed to promote breathing exercises, posture and emotional relaxation. This approach is often sought by pregnant women who are preparing for a natural childbirth or...

Yoga 430 Words

Lose Weight by Eating Breakfast and Drinking ...

Did you know that dieting and weight loss are two of the most common resolutions or goals by many people but usually results to failure? Dont give up yet. Stay committed and read through.

If you really want to lose weight, forget the fad diets and eat breakfast and drink milk. Starting...

Weight Loss 732 Words

Know Your Muscle Building Exercises – ...

Every bodybuilder and weight trainer will have his or her favorite exercises for each body part. That’s how it should be – as you progress through the various stages of learning you’ll understand what works best for you. It is useful, however, to take stock of your progress...

Muscle Building 226 Words

Sterol Cholesterol

A delicate combination of steroid and alcohol, Cholesterol, also a combination of a lipid that is found in cell membranes of all of our body tissues. Cholesterol is also transported in the blood of all animals. You might derive that the name cholestral comes from the simple combination of the...

Mens Issues 263 Words

Supplements That Can Help Boost Brain Power

Would it not be great if you could just pop a pill and remember everything for an exam? Realistically, there are no supplements that can boost your brain power to such astounding levels. But, studies have shown that regular intake of certain supplements increases the ability to memorize. There...

Supplements 595 Words

Taking Control Of Anxiety

Anxiety disorders are the most common mental condition in the United States, affecting approximately forty million of the adult population aged eighteen and above. Sadly, in fear of being ridiculed, people rarely seek professional help. This is one of the biggest reason why a lot of people...

Health & Fitness 659 Words

What is Breast Augmentation?

Breast augmentation, also known as breast implant surgery is a popular cosmetic surgery to enlarge the size of a woman’s breasts or to reconstruct the breast to correct genetic deformities or after a mastectomy. This procedure is also performed during male-to-female sex changes....

Womens Issues 386 Words

Spice Up You Sex Life With Levitra

The expression of love is the most satisfying expression that exists in a relationship. It can fill your life with colors. Sex is the significant aspect of life that helps to rejuvenate human existence. Sexual intercourse gives one the feeling of fullness and can unite two souls. Alas! There are...

Mens Issues 461 Words

Pranayama The Silence Of Breathing

Pranayama, also known as yogic breathing is the method of silencing the breath. Prana has been defined as the air which flows through the body. Pranayama is made up of three parts: controlled inhalations, controlled exhalations and holding of the breath. When you do all three parts, it is called...

Yoga 316 Words

Know Your Muscle Building Exercises – ...

Every bodybuilder and weight trainer will have his or her favorite exercises for each body part. That’s how it should be – as you progress through the various stages of learning you’ll understand what works best for you. It is useful, however, to take stock of your progress...

Muscle Building 264 Words