Have You Thrown Your Money Away On Weight ...

Have You Thrown Your Money Away On Weight Loss Supplements That Don’t Deliver?

If you are thinking about using a weight loss supplement to help you lose weight, think again. The majority of all non-prescription weight loss medications are simply diuretics – they simply drain...

Weight Loss 409 Words

Have You Ever Seen A Fat Postman

This article is all about how to lose weight, I hope you find it interesting to read and beneficial. I am somebody who has always struggled to keep off the fat and who has tried many different forms of diet.

From about the age of twelve, I have had problems with my weight. I have to be...

Weight Loss 471 Words

Why the HAPPY DIET works

Understanding why and how the happy diet works.

There is a simple explanation and that being is you get to choose what you want to eat. Most diets today prove to be very stressful for many men and women in their quest to lose weight. This is because they are following instructions from...

Weight Loss 571 Words

Why Should You Try A Weight Loss Program?

Well the short answer to this question is that a weight loss program and be a literal life saver. They actually help you to lose weight and keep it off, unlike the typical go-it-alone dieter who can lose weight no problem for relatively short periods of time but cannot keep it off. The sad fact...

Weight Loss 414 Words

Guide To Healthy Weight Loss


Low-cal diets and aerobics have been the typical “prescribed solution” to healthy weight loss. However, with numerous fad diets and a multi-billion dollar industry dedicated to weight management, shedding a few kilos should be easy. Sadly, the weight lost by dieters...

Weight Loss 592 Words

Why Most of Your Diets Always Fail

Over the years, there has been millions and millions of people who have tried countless numbers of different diets to try and lose weight. Equally so, there has been millions and millions of people who failed at these diets. If all of these diets are supposed to be designed to make you lose...

Weight Loss 472 Words

Green Tea Weight Loss – Myth or Fact?

Have you seen recent Oprah show? Green tea was recently discussed in this show also. I think you might already aware that green tea helps a lot to battle against life-threatening diseases like heart disease, arteriosclerosis and cancer. Yet, there is one more reason why you must prefer green...

Weight Loss 311 Words

Why Is Weight Loss So Hard?

Weight loss is a common problem millions of Americans today struggle with. Very few Americans have been successful at losing a desired amount of weight.

The main problem is that most cannot stick to the designated program. For instance, a general weight loss program includes both diet as...

Weight Loss 284 Words

Green Tea Patches For Weight Loss?

One of the newest products to hit the dieting market are weight loss patches.

Inspired by the success of nicotine patches marketers struck on the idea that weight loss patches may work the same way. Weight loss patches are basically designed for people who forget to take their regular...

Weight Loss 452 Words

Why Is It So Difficult To Lose Weight After ...

Why Is It So Difficult To Lose Weight After 30?

Have you tried to lose weight after 30? Wasnt that more difficult than ever before? Guess what? Its even more difficult after 40! Have you ever wondered why your body reacts differently to the same regimes you apply in different stages of...

Weight Loss 949 Words

Green Tea Increases Metabolism

Green Tea Extract Increases Metabolism, May Aid in Weight Loss

In a study reported on in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, it was found that green tea extract resulted in a significant increase in energy expenditure (a measure of metabolism), plus also had a significant effect...

Weight Loss 219 Words

Why is Hoodia such a sought after weight ...

Why is Hoodia such a sought after weight loss supplement?

Hoodia Gordonii is an unambitious little South African desert cactus type plant that has a big future ahead of it. A gift from the native San people who live in the Kalahari Desert in South Africa, this tiny plant the...

Weight Loss 803 Words