Benefits Of Gardening For Kids

Apparently, we can see how nature is treated these days. It is a sad thing to know that people do not pay attention so much anymore to the environmental problems. What can we do about this? It’s as simple as starting with the children. It is good to see the children’s involvement...

Gardening 427 Words

Beginners Guide to Home Composting

Composting your kitchen and garden waste is a great way to reduce the amount of waste you dispose of in your rubbish bin. By composting your waste you can generate a free source of rich compost to help improve your garden, and also help to reduce global warming in the process.

How does...

Gardening 483 Words

Beautifying The Garden Or Yard With A Bench

Most homes have gardens or yards. Some of these can be as big as those in mansions while some of these can be small. Despite the beauty of the flowers, trees and grass that make up the garden, the one thing that people take for granted is not being able to enjoy watching it longer. When one...

Gardening 669 Words

Beautify Your Garden With A Bridge

A good way to start the morning is to have a nice walk appreciating the wonders of nature around us. Do you ever imagine having your own little paradise just right outside your backyard? Smelling rows of fresh flowers and enjoy seeing colorful fishes in your very own pond or lagoon. Maybe all of...

Gardening 606 Words

Beautify With Garden Plants

There are many ways to make your house and lawn turn into a home. Every bit of careful touch you add will help your space feel more personal and inviting for your friends and family. As a landscape architect, one of my favorite ways to improve the look and feel of a home is through garden...

Gardening 412 Words

Beautiful Silk Flowers

Nothing is as refreshing as having a fresh bouquet of Silk flowers in your home to brighten up your mood. Not only do they add some class but they make you feel better. If you want to enjoy the benefits of having a variety of Silk flowers in your home everyday but cant afford the costs or bear...

Gardening 308 Words

Beautiful Calla Lilies

The Calla Lilies are plants belonging to the Zantedeschia genus in the Araceae family. The genus contains seven plant species and they are all commonly referred to as Calla Lillies. Some of them have other common names as well. Zantedeschia aethiopica is also known as giant white arum lily and...

Gardening 508 Words

Beautiful Artificial Bonsai Tree

Japanese have perfected the technique of growing miniature Artificial
Bonsai trees in containers, but many people all over the world have taken up the Bonsai cultivation as a sort of hobby. Artificial Bonsai trees are generally used for aesthetic purposes and are popular as beautiful...

Gardening 324 Words

Beat the Weeds and Save Time in the Garden

New gardeners are so often put off gardening at the thought that it has to involve hours and hours of hard work. The popular idea of a low-maintenance garden is one of covering the space with decking and gravel, planted with a few grasses and pots of evergreens.

However, I have discovered...

Gardening 574 Words

Be Prepared: Rose Gardening Soil Preparation

One of the easiest ways to ensure that your rose garden is a success is to be prepared. You can do this by making sure you’ve followed these tips for rose gardening soil preparation.

People need healthy food to perform their best, and roses are no different. In fact, roses are...

Gardening 590 Words

Battery Powered Chainsaws

Battery powered chainsaws are fairly rare in the United States, but if you are interested in a battery powered chainsaw you can find them. It may take some digging to do. There is one brand currently being offered that claims a single chain blade can cut 4,000 pieces of PVC pipe with only a...

Gardening 266 Words

Basil: The King of Herbs

One of the most popular herbs is Ocimum basilicum commonly called sweet basil. Often called the king of herbs, basil can be grown indoors or out. Sweet basil has inch-long, oval-pointed, dark green leaves and a clove-pepperish odour and taste. Sweet basil makes a handsome, bushy small plant,...

Gardening 492 Words